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REGULAR MEETING <br />only settlement on the trench. He assured tl <br />area could be checked again with the televis', <br />Young asked if a fence would be constructed t <br />went through. Mr. Hill stated that the city <br />to enter onto private property and erect sucl <br />that he would look at the city -owned portion <br />and have an inspection made. Mrs. June Wessi <br />wondered if the property owner would have to <br />$1,000 of damage if the street caved in as a <br />installation. Mr. McMahon stated that, if t] <br />with the original construction and the sewer <br />responsibility of the contractor. He stated <br />maintenance bond was on file for the project <br />three years, there was any problem which couil <br />faulty construction, the city's Legal Departs <br />matter. Mrs. Wesszo stated that the work dos <br />Meade did not show the sewer taps, but on Phi <br />determine where the taps were by the indentai <br />Mr. McMahon again asked those property owner; <br />ticipate in the sidewalk repair program unde <br />process to notify the Clerk of the Board wit] <br />Mr. McMahon apologized to the property owner.- <br />delays in the sewer construction and stated <br />taking steps in the future to assure that the <br />occur again. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMa] <br />Kernan and carried, the public hearing was ci <br />Roll No. 2985, which was approved by the Boal. <br />was re- confirmed. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO <br />(HAWBAKER STREET SANITARY SEWER PROJECT) <br />This was the date set for holding a public h <br />of sanitary sewers on Hawbaker Street, autho <br />Resolution No. 3501, 1980, adopted by the Bo <br />The Clerk tendered proofs of publication of <br />Bend Tribune and the Tri- County News which w <br />ficient. It was noted that the property own <br />Improvement Resolution had been sent notice <br />the preliminary assessment for the repair wo <br />that the total cost of the project was estim <br />He explained that the city would pay 50% of <br />project was approved. He stated that proper <br />the city for sewer improvements as was done <br />city then prepares an estimate of those cost <br />assessment roll is developed. A public hear <br />determine if the project should proceed. Mr <br />there is not an established health problem i <br />sewer installation would, therefore, be a vo <br />the project would proceed if more than 50% o <br />desired. He stated that, if more than 50% o <br />opposed the project, it would not be authori <br />stated that the Board would allow a two -week <br />to inform the Board of their wishes concerni <br />Mr. Joseph Gosztola, 1318 Roelke Drive, stat <br />property at 742 Ireland Road. He explained <br />recently rezoned for a doctor's office, and <br />that he hook onto the sanitary sewer because <br />concerning the soil in the area. He stated <br />not be used to a great volume. He stated tb <br />other property owners in the area, there wet <br />having some problems with their septic tank <br />that the petition reflected over 50% of the <br />the area. He explained that the Christian C <br />property on Hawbaker Street was in need of s <br />were three or four homes owned by the Center <br />Ray DeRyckere, 644 East Ireland Road, submit <br />NOVEMBER 24, 1980 <br />e residents that the <br />on camera. Mrs. <br />here the new road <br />would not be able <br />a fence. He stated <br />of land in that area <br />o, 1718 Phillipa <br />pay the first <br />result of the sewer <br />.ere was any problem <br />tap, it would be the <br />that a three -year <br />and, if, after the <br />.d be determined as <br />lent would pursue the <br />Le on Prospect and <br />.11ipa, a person could <br />:ion in the ground. <br />who wished to par - <br />the Barrett Law <br />.in a two -week period. <br />for the problems and <br />:hat the city would be <br />:se problems would not <br />Lon, seconded by Mr. <br />.osed and Assessment <br />•d on March 10, 1980, <br />501, 1980 <br />aring on the construction <br />ized under Improvement <br />rd on November 3, 1980. <br />otice in the South <br />re found to be suf- <br />rs affected by the <br />f the hearing and <br />k. Mr. McMahon noted <br />ted at $47,483.42. <br />he cost if the <br />y owners can petition <br />n this case. The <br />and a preliminary <br />ng is then held to <br />McMahon stated that <br />the area and the <br />untary matter, and <br />the property owners <br />the property owners <br />ed by the Board. He <br />period for the residents <br />.g the sewer project. <br />d that he owned <br />hat the property was <br />t had been suggested <br />of the conditions <br />hat the sewer would <br />.t, in talking with <br />people who were <br />ystems. He stated <br />roperty owners in <br />nter which owned <br />wers and that there <br />in that area. Mr. <br />ed to the Board a <br />r <br />1 <br />1 <br />