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REGULAR MEETING <br />Service, and Indiana Cablevision and that nc <br />the easements had been received from Indian, <br />Indiana & Michigan Electric. Mr. McMahon si <br />Rights and Easements to Construct and Maint, <br />be required from the Board of Public Works c <br />South Bend. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMal <br />Kernan and carried, the above releases and i <br />release easements from Indiana Bell Telephoi <br />Electric were approved. <br />AUGUST 18, 1980 <br />tices of intent to release <br />Bell Telephone and <br />ated that a Release of <br />in Facilities would also <br />n behalf of the City of <br />on, seconded by Mr. <br />.otices of intent to <br />.e and Indiana & Michigan <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS - EXTENSION OF SUMMERIWEED PROGRAM <br />i <br />Ms. Loretta Duda, Director of the Mayor's E <br />stated that it was the Mayor's wish to exte <br />program through August in order to finish t <br />that CETA would continue funding the crews, <br />to provide for funding for the two supervis <br />the project. She stated that CETA funds we <br />for those three positions. Mr. McMahon ask <br />increase in the original budget for the pro <br />that there would not be. The contract with <br />for the payment of $4.35 per hour with tota <br />exceed $900. Payment of the coordinator wo <br />$6.00 per hour, plus 17C per mile for all a <br />mileage, with total compensation not to exc <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />contracts for the three positions were appr <br />ADOPTION OF RESOLUTION NO. 17, 1980 - DISPO <br />VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT <br />.vironmental Center, <br />d the summer weed <br />e program. She explained <br />but the city would need <br />rs and coordinator of <br />e no longer available <br />d if there would be an <br />ram, and Ms. Duda stated <br />the supervisors called <br />compensation not to <br />.ld be at the rate of <br />proved work - related <br />ed $1,200. Upon a <br />Kernan and carried, the <br />ved. <br />OF OBSOLETE <br />RESOLUTION NO. 17J1980 <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Board of Public Works <br />that the following vehicle and equipment Is obsolete and <br />deteriorated to the point where repair costs would exceed <br />its value: <br />Police Department <br />Mechanical No. 646, 1980 Dodge <br />Serial No. NL41CAF213526 <br />I <br />Fire Department <br />1953 Ladder Trailer <br />and <br />Two (2) Physio- Control Life Pack 3, Heart Monitors <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 186, Acts of 1967, of the Indiana General <br />Assembly, permits the sale of personal property no longer <br />needed or obsolete. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works of <br />the City of South Bend that the above listed vehicle and equip- <br />ment is obsolete and not needed by the City of South Bend. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Bureau ofiVehicle Maintenance <br />be authorized to scrap said vehicle and equipment and that it <br />be removed from the City Vehicle Inventory. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />s/ <br />s/ <br />ATTEST: <br />s/ Barbara J. Byers, Clerk <br />atrick M. McMahon <br />oseph E. Kernan <br />1 <br />