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REGULAR MEETING <br />AUGUST 18. 1980 <br />4 AS 3 <br />company was to sell the vehicles parked in front of the property. <br />He stated that red - tagged vehicles were also stored in the lot at <br />the city's request, and these cars were perhaps visible to the <br />residents. He stated that these cars are auctioned off by the <br />city periodically, and that Steve & Gene's only stored these <br />abandoned cars on the lot after they were towed at the city's <br />request. Mr. Olczak maintained that the used cars being offered <br />for sale must be viewed from the front if they were to be sold. <br />He again stated that, if the cars cannot be renovated and sold, <br />they are disposed of and the parts not used are hauled away. He <br />stated that this operation was at least 700 feet off the roadway. <br />Mr. McMahon felt the request of Steve & Gene's was a legitimate one; <br />however, he was not thoroughly convinced that the ordinance would <br />not apply in this case. He stated that he and Mr. Kernan would <br />make an inspection of the area, and a determination regarding the <br />exception to the fencing requirements would be made at the next <br />Board meeting. <br />FILING OF PETITION FOR SCRAP DEALER'S LICENSE - BREMEN IRON & METAL CO. <br />Mr. Jack C. Dunfee, Jr., the attorney representing Bremen Iron and <br />Metal Company, submitted a petition to the Board for a scrap dealer's <br />license in an area of approximately 12 to 15 acres fronting on <br />Sample Street and extending to the Penn Central Railroad tracks to <br />the rear. He stated that there were two scrap dealers presently <br />operating on permits at that location. He stated that it was under- <br />stood that the permits could not be transferred and anyone other <br />than Bremen Iron and Metal Company would be required to obtain its <br />own license. He indicated that Bremen Iron and Metal was presently <br />seeking to obtain a scrap dealer's license for that location at this <br />time. Mr. Dunfee stated that the ordinance requires that the Fire <br />Prevention Bureau and the Environmental Control Office give approval <br />prior to the Board acting on the request. He felt this would be <br />somewhat difficult to accomplish since the scope of the entire area <br />would be changed and the exisitng facilities would be discontinued. <br />He explained that the new use would be a metal waste, re- processing <br />operation. He stated that he was aware that, once the Board approved <br />the license, Common Council concurrence was necessary. He was <br />hopeful this entire process could be expedited. Mr. McMahon stated <br />that Bremen Iron and Metal presently operated on Gertrude Street. <br />He asked if the new license would be for the same type of operation. <br />Mr. Dunfee explained that it would; however, the new operation would <br />be greatly expanded and rail siding was available. He stated that <br />the Gertrude Street site would, over a period of five years, be <br />phased out and terminated and that the new location would involve <br />a much larger and more complex operation dealing in more machinery <br />and materials for processing. He stated that -there would be less <br />truck traffic becuase most of the materials would be hauled by rail. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr; Kernan and carried, <br />a public hearing on the petition of Bremen Iron and Metal for a scrap <br />dealer's license at the new location set out on the map submitted to <br />the Board was scheduled for Monday, August 25, 1980, and the petition <br />was concurrently referred to the Fire Inspection Bureau and the <br />Environmental Protection Office for comments and recommendations <br />prior to the August 25th hearing. <br />APPROVE RELEASES OF RIGHTS AND EASEMENTS - FIRST BANK CENTER - <br />14ARIOTT HOTEL PROJECT <br />Mr. McMahon explained that all public and private utility companies <br />were contacted regarding surrendering all of their rights in the <br />alleys bounded by St. Joseph, Michigan, Washington and Colfax <br />(commonly called the "hole "), which would in effect revert said <br />alleys to private property. It was noted that releases would be <br />required from the South Bend Water Works, Northern Indiana Public <br />Service Company, Indiana Bell Telephone, Indiana & Michigan Electric <br />and Indiana Cablevision. Mr. McMahon stated that releases had been <br />obtained from the South Bend Water Works, Northern Indiana Public <br />