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REGULAR MEETING JUNE 10, 1980 <br />It was noted that the property owners had been advised to clean up <br />the lots and had failed to comply. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF HANDICAPPED PARKING PERMITS <br />The following applications for handicapped parking permits were <br />received: <br />Loretta M. Megyesi Doctor's certificate was attached. <br />3007 Brockton Court <br />Mishawaka, Indiana <br />Amos Bierly Doctor's certificate was attached. <br />R. R. 3, Box 225 <br />Walkerton, Indiana <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the above applications were approved for handicapped parking permits <br />and referred to the Deputy Controller's Office for issuance. <br />APPROVAL OF CETA SUBGRANT MODIFICATION (COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION) <br />Mr. Elroy J. Kelzenberg, Director of the Bureau of Employment and <br />Training, submitted for approval Modification No. 1 to the subgrant <br />agreement with the South Bend Community School Corporation which <br />was approved on October 8, 1979. The modification added narrative <br />and budget for Remedial Reading and Math; increased teachers salaries <br />to cover summer months; decreased program budget for summer supervision; <br />and modified the budget to reflect costs relating to the program. It <br />was noted that all other parts of the initial agreement remained <br />unchanged. Upon `a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill <br />and carried, the modification was approved. <br />FILING OF STREET LIGHT OUTAGE REPORT <br />The report indicated 17 outages between the period of May 29, 1980, <br />to June 5, 1980. Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by <br />Mr. Hill and carried, the report was filed. <br />REQUEST OF JAYCEES TO OPERATE DUNK TANK - ETHNIC FESTIVAL <br />A request from the South Bend Jaycees for permission to operate a <br />Dunk Tank for the Fourth of July weekend, in conjunction with the <br />Ethnic Festival, was received. It was indicated that a donation of <br />three throws for 25(,% would be requested and the money would be used <br />for the Jaycee General Fund, the majority of which is used for the <br />Christmas shopping tour. The only people in the tank would be <br />Jaycee members themselves and it was indicated they would assume <br />their own liability and insurance certificates would be provided <br />upon request by the city. Sufficient safety nets would be placed <br />around the tank to protect the public. Ms. Mikki Dobski, River Bend <br />Plaza Coordinator, informed the Board that, at present, there is no <br />location in mind and it was not known of there would even be room <br />for the booth. She stated that, if the Board did approve the request, <br />it would have to be approved subject to the availability of space. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Kernan, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the request was referred to the Legal Department and the Plaza Office <br />for review and recommendation. <br />