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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER „20. 2010 387 <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. I — COTTER STREET RECONSTRUCTION — PROJECT <br />NO. 106 -061 (FHWA) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 1 on behalf <br />of Walsh & Kelly, Inc., 24358 State Road 23, South Bend, Indiana 46614, indicating the <br />Contract amount be increased by $42,240.00 for a new Contract sum, including this Change <br />Order, in the amount of $631,708.64.00. Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. <br />Inks and carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 — FARMINGTON LANE SEWER EXTENSION — <br />PROJECT NO. 110 -068 2007B SEWER BOND <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Rob Nichols, Engineering, had submitted Change Order No. 1 on <br />behalf of Underground Services, 225 S. Lafayette Boulevard, South Bend, Indiana 46601, <br />indicating the Contract amount be increased by $14,016.80 for a new Contract sum, including <br />this Change Order, in the amount of $51,485.80. Upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded <br />by Mr. Inks and carried, the Change Order was approved. Mr. Gilot noted this Change Order was <br />due to a problem with the Miami Road project; the street work had to be finished or Miami Road <br />would have been closed another three (3) weeks. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 7 — EMBEDDED SENSOR CSO MONITORING — <br />PHASE II — PROJECT NO. 109 -019 SRF <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change Order No. 7 on behalf <br />of HRP Construction Company, Inc., Post Office Box 266, South Bend, Indiana 46624, <br />indicating the Contract amount be increased by $61,913.72 for a new Contract sum, including <br />this Change Order, in the amount of $2,316,315.63. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded <br />by Mr. Littrell and carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 FINAL AND PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT <br />CRANE SERVICE FOR THE GEORGE RICKEY SCULPTURES — PROJECT NO. 110 -088 <br />(DOWNTOWN TIF) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering has submitted Change Order No. I (Final) on <br />behalf of Central Rent -A- Crane, 4240 Pine Creek Road, Elkhart, Indiana 46516, indicating the <br />contract amount be decreased by $967.50 for a new contract sum, including this Change Order, <br />of $1,952.50. Additionally submitted was the Project Completion Affidavit indicating this new <br />final cost of $1,952.50. Upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. Littrell and carried, <br />Change Order No. 1 (Final) and the Project Completion Affidavit were approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS — COVELESKI <br />MAIN BUILDING REHABILITATION — PROJECT NO. 111 -005A COVELESKI BOND <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Bill SchallioI, Community & Economic Development, <br />requested permission to advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced project. <br />Therefore, upon a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the above <br />request was approved. Mr. Littrell noted the Title Sheet will be forthcoming and recommended <br />that be included in the motion. Therefore, Mr. Gilot made a motion that the signing of the Title <br />Sheet be approved also. Mr. Inks seconded the motion which carried. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF BIDS — COVELESKI <br />AUDIONIDEO EQUIPMENT — PROJECT NO. 111 -005B COVELESKI BOND <br />In a memorandum to the Board, Mr. Bill Schalliol, Community & Economic Development, <br />requested permission to advertise for the receipt of bids for the above referenced project. <br />Therefore, upon a motion made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. Littrell and carried, the above <br />request was approved. Mr. Littrell noted the Title Sheet will be forthcoming and recommended <br />that be included in the motion. Therefore, Mr. Gilot made a motion that the signing of the Title <br />Sheet be approved also. Mr. Inks seconded the motion which carried. <br />ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.83 -2010 —A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND BOARD OF <br />PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZING A MEMBER OF THE BOARD TO APPROVE AND <br />EXECUTE DOCUMENTS RELATED TO 1sT SOURCE PARKING GARAGE PROJECT <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the following Resolution <br />was adopted by the Board of Public Works: <br />