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290 <br />REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 23, 1978 <br />Chief Terry said the RCA that Mr. Zubler has seen in operation <br />at the Airport has frequency rejection problems and picks up <br />other frequencies. This could cause a problem for the Department. <br />Mr. McMahon asked Mr. Zubler if he had.tes.ted the RCA radio bid. <br />Mr. Zubler said he had not but he checked a similar radio used by <br />the airport and is familiar with the equipment bid. Mr. McMahon <br />asked if there were any time constraints involved in this bid <br />award and it was indicated there were not. A representative from <br />RCA was present and said he was not aware of the problem but would <br />review it with the company's technical staff and if there was a <br />problem, would try to resolve it. Mr. McMahon asked if this <br />frequency rejection problem was the only reason for recommending <br />the GE bid. Mr. Zubler said the Department is also considering <br />compatibility of equipment. Officers have cars with antennas, <br />batteries and chargers set up now for GE radios. If other equipment <br />is purchased, they .would have to check to see if the car has the <br />proper equipment for the radio they are carrying. This could <br />present a problem. Mr. Mullen asked if the Department would have to <br />adapt the test equipment if RCA radios are purchased. Mr. Zubler <br />said some new test equipment would have to be purchased. Mr. <br />McMahon said he would like to give RCA the chance to bring in the <br />radio bid for a test.. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Brunner and carried, the matter was tabled for two weeks <br />and the RCA representative was asked to have a radio as bid <br />available to the Police Department and Bureau of Communications <br />for testing. <br />POLICE VEHICLE BID ACCEPTED CONDITIONALLY <br />Michael C. Borkowski, Chief of Police, submitted to the Board <br />a report that the bids received for police vehicles had.been <br />reviewed and he was recommending the bid be awarded to the low <br />bidder, Basney Ford, conditioned upon approval of revenue sharing <br />funds by the Common Council. Chief Borkowski noted that Basney <br />has agreed to certain modifications in the bid at no additional cost. <br />Mr. Brunner asked Chief Terry the nature of the modifications. <br />Chief Terry said the cars were bid with police radial tires and <br />they asked for polyester tires. The bidder has agreed to supply the <br />cars with polyester tires. They will provide four non -white <br />vehicles and will provide cloth and vinyl combination seat covers <br />for the front seats. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Mullen and carried, the bid of Basney Ford in the amount <br />of $199,965.15 for thirty -five vehicles, was accepted conditioned <br />upon approval by the Common Council of revenue sharing funds for <br />the purchase. It is anticipated that the revenue sharing request <br />will be submitted to the Council in early January. <br />BID ACCEPTED - WERWINSKI STREET IMPROVEMENTS <br />John E. Leszczynski, Manager of the Bureau of Public Construction, <br />submitted a tabulation of bids received for the Werwinski Street <br />Improvement Project, CD 78 -3. He recommended that the Board accept <br />the low bid of the Ziolkowski Construction Company of $11,777.00. <br />subject to availability of funds. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the recommendation was <br />approved and the bid accepted. <br />FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3463 <br />Patrick M. McMahon, Civil City Engineer, files with the Board an <br />Assessment Roll with respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3463 for the <br />vacation of the east -west alley north of Prairie Avenue and west of <br />Magnolia Street. The Assessment Roll lists $0.00 net damages and <br />$0.00 net benefits to the affected property owners of Lot Numbers 19, <br />20, 21 and 22, Swygart's 3rd Addition. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Assessment Roll <br />was filed and set for public hearing on November 20, 1978. <br />