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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 23, 1978 2 0 1 <br />APPLICATION OF LEONARD BUSH FOR SCRAP YARD DENIED <br />Mr. McMahon reported that the Department of Engineering reviewed <br />the petition of Leonard Bush to operate a scrap yard at 2600 West <br />Washington. The petition submitted by Mr. Bush with his application <br />contained six signatures. The Engineering Department prepared a <br />drawing and abstract of property owners, indicating there are sixty - <br />five property owners within four hundred feet of the proposed <br />location. The Municipal Code stipulates that a consenting petition <br />submitted with an application for scrap yard must contain the <br />signatures of two - thirds of the property owners within four- hundred <br />feet of the location. The Department of Engineering also reviewed <br />a remonstrance petition submitted to the Board against the granting <br />of the license. The remonstrance petition contained the signatures <br />of seventeen property owners within four hundred feet of the location. <br />Deputy City Attorney Terry Crone advised the Board that, based on <br />the report of the Engineering Department that the application does <br />not contain the required number of signatures, the application for <br />license be denied. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Mullen and carried, the application of Leonard Bush to operate <br />a scrap yard at 2600 W. Washington was denied. <br />CONTRACT WITH HUMAN PERFORMANCE SERVICES, INC. APPROVED <br />A contract between the City of South Bend and Roger D. Reynolds, Vice <br />President of Human Performance Services, Inc., was submitted to the <br />Board. Mr. Mullen noted that the Fire Fighters Association and the <br />City have been discussing this matter for two years. Because of the <br />high rate of heart disease nationally among firefighters, it was felt <br />the program should be offered to South Bend fire fighters. The <br />cost of the contract to the City is $400.00. The program is voluntary <br />and the firefighter must pay the fee of $70.00 to participate. <br />Keith Kramer, President of the-South Bend Fire Fighters Association, <br />and Mr. Reynolds were present. Mr-. Reynolds said the program <br />was in the area of'cardio- vascular, body flexibility and strength and <br />would include a- medical evaluation. The system is being used in <br />Kokomo, Marion, Elkhart and Fort Wayne. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the contract was <br />approved. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED - SALE OF PARKING METERS <br />Peter H. Mullen, City Controller, requested permission to advertise <br />for the sale of parking meters and miscellaneous equipment. There <br />are approximately 750 meters available for sale and the sale will <br />not include the Bicentennial meters. It is requested that the <br />bidders submit bids in lots of 25. Based on the bid prices received, <br />a price for individual meter sales will be established. Also to <br />be offered for sale will be meter posts and other miscellaneous <br />equipment. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Brunner and carried, the Board authorized advertising for bids for <br />the sale of parking meters, with sealed bids to be received on <br />November 20, 1978. <br />ADOPTION OF IMPROVEMENT RESOLUTION NO. 3464 <br />The Bureau of Design and Administration submitted to the Board the <br />preliminary plans, a cost estimate and preliminary assessment roll <br />for the construction of sanitary sewers in the Riverside Drive - <br />Riverside Place area. The action was initiated upon the petition of <br />a property owner in the area. The cost estimate includes the construction <br />of a lift station to be paid for by the City, with 500 of the sewer <br />construction also to be paid by the City and the remaining 50% to <br />be assessed against the abutting properties. Upon motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board filed <br />the preliminary plans, cost estimate and preliminary assessment roll <br />