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WE <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />OCTOBER 23, 1978 <br />apparently not going to honor the award and is instead <br />planning to rebid this contract. This is a very unusual <br />step to take. To my knowledge, my client has never been <br />allowed to withdraw from a bid when it has been awarded and <br />I question how the Board of Public Works is permitted to <br />withdraw an award. <br />It is understandably distressing for a bidder, particularly <br />a successful bidder, to find that a bid letting agency is <br />reletting a contract after all of the bidders have gone to <br />the effort and risk of submitting their best and lowest bid. <br />What that does, of course, is to allow unsuccessful bidders <br />to examine the work product of the successful bidder and to <br />then attempt to formulate some type of bid that may be found <br />more acceptable, in effect forcing the successfu lbidder to <br />bid against himself. I am sure you will agree that this is <br />hardly in keeping with the spirit of public bidding and is <br />hardly in keeping with the-traditional notions of fair play. <br />I don't know of any bidder that would not take extreme <br />delight in having two shots at a public contract, the second <br />being based upon the known prices and proposals of the <br />successful bidder. <br />The specifications also provide that "This lease /rental <br />agreement must include a clause allowing cancellation without <br />penalty at the end of any federal fiscal year in the event <br />that federal CETA funds are not available to the City ". <br />Indiana Bell is a public utility and cannot offer any term <br />that is not allowed by tariff. This sort of cancellation <br />clause is not permitted under tariff and Indiana Bell may <br />not therefore bid under this set of specifications. The <br />elimination of Indiana Bell as a potential bidder is made <br />even more explicit by the following asterisk note on the <br />final page of the specifications: <br />"Bidder should not fill in the 60 and 120 months <br />figures for equipment rental unless contract is <br />compatible with annual cancellation clause in the event <br />of loss of CETA funding." <br />The effect of these <br />the specifications <br />earlier this month, <br />It does indeed seem <br />drawn in such a way <br />the lowest and best <br />provisions, which were not Present in <br />ander which Indiana Bell successfully bid <br />is to eliminate Bell as a possible bidder. <br />unusual that the specifications would be <br />that the company which earlier submitted <br />bid now cannot submit any bid at all. <br />There are other Problems with the specifications that are too <br />involved to discuss in this letter but which could only result <br />in increasing the total cost to you. We will be happy to <br />explain -.this in person at your convenience. <br />I do not know why all of this has taken place. As a lawyer, <br />I am not able to understand what is taking place and as a <br />member of the public I am quite concerned. It is quite <br />possible that the members of the Board of Public Works are <br />not aware of all of this and it is for that reason that I <br />am writing this letter. Perhaps, on the other hand, there <br />may be some facts I do not know that may explain:;why this <br />action was taken. If so, I would appreciate an explanation <br />so that I may discuss the matter with nay client. <br />We wish to resolve this problem by reasonable discussions and, <br />if appropriate, by explanations. The past dealings which <br />