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2'81 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />BID AWARDED - SPRINGS AND <br />OCTOBER 16, 1978 <br />SES FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />Chief Oscar Van Wiele reported to the Board that bids received <br />for springs and mattresses for the Fire Department had been <br />reviewed and he recommended acceptance of the low bid of <br />J. E. Walz, Inc. of $114.00 per set. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the recommendation <br />was approved and the bid awarded. <br />CONTRACT APPROVED - C. F. MURPHY ASSOCIATES <br />A Contract between the City of South Bend and C. F. Murphy <br />Associates was submitted to the Board. The contract is the standard <br />form of agreement and provides for the necessary services to be <br />performed to develop a comprehensive masterplan for the area <br />bounded by Washington Street, Michigan Street, Colfax Avenue and <br />St. Joseph Street, to include a bank, hotel, retail phase and an <br />800 space parking garage. Work under the agreement is to be <br />completed within a ninety -day period and the total amount of the <br />contract is $90,000. That amount will be applied against the <br />total architect's fee for the project. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the contract was <br />approved. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED - LEASE /PURCHASE OF DUPLICATING EQUIPMENT <br />Deputy City Controller Michael L. Vance was present and requested <br />that the Board approve advertising for bids for the lease - purchase of <br />duplicating equipment. Mr. Vance noted that changes in the State law <br />require the bidding of lease - purchase agreements which total more <br />than $5000. This will require seeking competitive bids for the 9200 <br />Xerox Copier which is installed in the print shop. It has also <br />been determined that it would be best to purchase the equipment <br />over a five -year period rather than to continue to lease it. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the Board authorized advertising for bids for the lease /purchase of <br />the equipment. <br />OPEN AIR STAND APPLICATION RECEIVED <br />William E. Moore and Laverne Przygocki submitted an application to <br />operate an Open Air Stand at the southwest corner of Portage Avenue <br />and Elwood on the property of the Portage Liquor Mart. Permission <br />of the property owner was attached. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Brunner -and carried, the application was referred <br />to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and Police Department for <br />review and recommendation. <br />REPORT FROM POLICE OFFICER ON VEHICLES OF O'NEAL TRUCKING CO. RECEIVED <br />The Board received an Officer's Report from Corporal Eugene Eyster <br />outlining several instances where trucks owned by the O'Neal Trucking <br />Company were stopped for various safety defects. Ten citations have <br />been issued to company vehicles since May. The report indicated that <br />the company continues to use the trucks without making any repairs. <br />Drivers stopped have responded that they are working on City contracts <br />and the Police Department should be more cooperative. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board <br />directed that all Departments under the jurisdiction of the Board of <br />Public Works be asked to notify the O'Neal Trucking Company that 'no new <br />contracts will be awarded to them until vehicle defects have been <br />corrected. The Board also directed that the report be forwarded to <br />the Board of Public Safety for appropriate action with regard to <br />departments under its' jurisdiction. <br />