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205 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 31, 1978 <br />REQUEST FOR FOUR -WAY STOP AT MAC ARTHUR AND ROCKNE <br />Councilman Roger Parent submitted to the Board a letter and <br />petition signed by residents requesting a four -way stop at <br />MacArthur and Rockne. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the request and petition <br />were referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting for review <br />and recommendation. <br />RECORDING OF TRANSCRIPT OF VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 2658 APPROVED <br />Mr. McMahon noted that it had been called to the attention of <br />the Board that Vacation Resolution No. 2658, approved November 20, <br />1950 following all procedures required for the vacating of <br />property, was completed but the transcript of the proceedings was <br />not recorded. The real estate involved is the alley south of <br />Fredrickson Street, from O'Brien Street to the west line of <br />the alley east of O'Brien Street. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board approved <br />recording of the transcript. <br />FILING OF RESPONSE REGARDING EWING AND HIGH STREETS <br />Patrick M. McMahon filed with the Board a response sent to <br />Councilman Mary Christine Adams in regard to her inquiry about the <br />proper designation for Ewing and High Streets. The response <br />noted that they are designated as streets and that "boulevard" <br />denotes no special classification regarding truck traffic. Truck <br />routes are identified by ordinance of the Common Council and a list <br />of all designated truck routes is on file with the City Clerk. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and <br />carried, the letter was, ordered filed. <br />PURCHASE AGREEMENT APPROVED - SALE OF 1813 S. CARLISLE STREET <br />A purchase agreement between the City of South Bend and Christopher <br />Pejza for the purchase of a city -owned lot at 1813 S. Carlisle <br />Street was prepared by Deputy City Attorney Terry A. Crone and <br />submitted to Mr. Pejza for approval. The agreement provides for <br />a purchase price of $625.00. Mr. Pejza has signed the agreement <br />and it is now submitted to the Board for approval. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the <br />Board approved the purchase agreement and directed that a deed <br />to the property be prepared. <br />RETROACTIVE APPROVAL OF BLOCK PARTY - 1100 -1200 E. BRONSON <br />A request for a Block Party in the 1100 -1200 Block E. Bronson <br />Street on Saturday, July 29 from 7:00 p.m. to midnight was <br />received by the Board on Friday. The request was reviewed by the <br />Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and the Police Department and <br />they recommended approval. Upon motion made by Mr. Brunner, <br />seconded by Mr. McMahon and carried, the Block Party was <br />approved retroactively. <br />REQUEST TO PURCHASE 1012 S. FRANKLIN STREET RECEIVED <br />Leslie Daniel submitted a request for information regarding the <br />purchase of a city -owned lot at 1012 S. Franklin Street. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and <br />carried, the request was filed and referred to the Park Department, <br />Redevelopment Office, Community Development, Department of <br />Engineering and the Mayor's Office for review and a determination <br />as to whether the lot should be retained for any purpose. <br />