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REGULAR MEETING MARCH 20, 1978 <br />AUDIT CONTRACT FOR MODEL CITIES SEWER APPROVED <br />John Lentz, Fiscal Officer, submitted to the Board an Audit Contract <br />with Dincolo, Stump and Company, Certified Public Accountants, <br />for conducting an audit of the Model Cities Sewer Contract. <br />Mr. McMahon noted that this will be the final aduit of the contract <br />for sewer work and the contract is not to exceed $3,580.00. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the contract was approved. <br />FILING OF CENTURY CENTER BILLINGS <br />Patrick M. McMahon, Director of Public Works, submitted to the <br />Board Century Center billings through November - ,.1977. He advised <br />the Board that the report lists payments of $244,324, making total <br />Payments to date under the contracts of $6,431,232.79. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the report was ordered filed. <br />BID AWARDED - NORTH SHORE AND MICHIGAN SIGNALIZATION <br />Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the�Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, <br />reported to the Board that the bids for the signalization of the <br />North Shore - Michigan intersection had been reviewed and he <br />recommended that the low bid of the Morse Electric Company be <br />accepted. Mr. McMahon noted that the bid as received was about <br />$2600 over the budget for the project. The Bureau has made some <br />modifications in the project to bring it within the budgeted <br />figure. The modifications do not affect the nature or the quality <br />of the work to be performed. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the Board approved the <br />recommendation to accept the low bid of the Morse Electric Company, <br />as modified, for the North Shore- Michigan intersection. <br />RIVER BEND PLAZA GARAGE SALE APPROVED <br />Mikki Dobski, River Bend Plaza Coordinator,requested that the Board <br />approve the "World's Largest Garage Sale" to be held in the Colfax <br />Parking Garage on Saturday, June 10, 1978. There will be <br />booths, food concessions and entertainment. No parking will be <br />permitted in the garage on that day and the rental fee will be paid. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and <br />carried, the Board approved the request, subject to the filing of <br />the required insurance certificates, licenses and health permits. <br />RECOMMENDATION - REQUEST TO DISPLAY AIRCRAFT ON RIVER BEND PLAZA <br />Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, <br />reported to the Board on his review of the request to display an <br />F -4 Aircraft on River Bend Plaza. The original request was to <br />ban parking in the Supergraphic Block from June 21 through June 26. <br />Mr. Wadzinski recommended that there be no parking in the <br />Supergraphic Block on June 21 or June 26 to allow for the assembly <br />and removal of the display. During the four days of the display, <br />Parking would be allowed on the Supergraphic Block except in the <br />immediate area of the display. The Bureau of Traffic and Lighting <br />will monitor pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the area to determine <br />if the parking arrangement is satisfactory and modifications will <br />be made if needed. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board approved the recommendation <br />and directed that the River Bend Plaza coordinator check with <br />the Downtown South Bend Council to see that the removal of parking <br />does not conflict with any plans of the downtown merchants for <br />promotional events. <br />