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REGULAR MEETING <br />MARCH 20, 1978 <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL, VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3453 <br />ROLL APPROVED <br />This being the date set, hearing was held on the Assessment Roll <br />with respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3453, 1978 for the vacation <br />of the east -west alley between Calvert Street and Delaware Street, <br />running west from the west right -of -way line of Carlisle Street to <br />the east right -of -way line of Phillipa Street, not including the <br />intersection with the north -south alley, all located within <br />Highland Park 2nd Addition. The Clerk tendered proofs of publication <br />of notice in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri- County News which <br />were found to be sufficient. No remonstrators appeared and no <br />written remonstrances were filed with the Board. Upon motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Assessment <br />Roll, showing $0.00 net damages and $0.00 benefits, was approved <br />and said resolution is in all things ratified and confirmed and <br />said proceedings closed. <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 APPROVED - CENTURY CENTER PARKING LOT <br />Change Order No. 2 in the contract with Rieth -Riley Construction <br />Company for the Century Center Parking Lot was submitted to <br />the Board by John Leszczynski, Manager of the Bureau of Public <br />Construction. Mr. McMahon reviewed the Change Order and noted that <br />the changes decrease the contract by $7,971.46 and increase the <br />contract by $14,455.00, making the net increase in the contract <br />$6,483.54. The Change Order listed a number of items, including <br />additional drainage control, slope stabilization and some modification <br />in the electrical work suggested by I & M. Mr. Mullen asked Mr. <br />Leszczynski if the change order funding was covered by the E.D.A. <br />grant. Mr. Leszczynski said that it was and the project is within <br />budget. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and <br />carried, the Change Order was approved. <br />CONTRACT WITH COMMUNITY SCHOOL CORPORATION FOR COMPUTER SERVICES APPROVED <br />Mr. Mullen presented to the Board a proposed contract between the <br />City of South Bend and the Community School Corporation for computer <br />services for a three -year period, from July 1, 1978 through June 30, <br />1981. The School Corporation will provide services at an approximate <br />annual cost of $210,000. The contract covers financial administration, <br />Water Works, Payroll and Police Department services as outlined in <br />Exhibits A and B attached to the document. The Community School <br />Corporation will meet at 3:30 p.m. today to consider the contract. <br />Mr. Mullen made a motion that the Board approve the contract, subject <br />to approval by the School Corporation. Mr. Brunner seconded the <br />motion and it carried. The contracts were given to Bruce Bancroft, <br />Attorney for the School Corporation, for presentation at their meeting <br />today. Mr. Brunner pointed out that if the School Corporation makes <br />any changes in the contract as it was approved by the Board of Public <br />Works, the Board must be so advised. <br />QUARTERLY REPORT AND PAYMENT REQUEST APPROVED - CANCO, INC. <br />The Quarterly Report of CANCO, Inc., for the period December, 1977 <br />through February, 1978, was submitted to the Board. The report <br />outlined services provided under the contract with the City of <br />South Bend. Submitted with the report was a request for the third <br />quarterly payment in the amount of $2,500.00. Upon motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the report was <br />filed and the payment request was approved and will be transmitted <br />to Michael L. Vance, Deputy City Controller, for payment. <br />