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l � <br />• <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />MAY 19. 1980 <br />comply, the city would have its crews clean the lot and the owner <br />would be billed for the clean -up. Another gentleman in the audience <br />asked if the revenue sharing funds are allotted for 1980. Mr. Kernan <br />explained that most of the revenue sharing funds for this year have <br />been appropriated. He stated that, prior to the appropriation of <br />those funds, public hearings are held as required by law. Mr. <br />Albrecht complained about the manner in which the Street Department <br />workers patch the holes in city streets. He felt it was a waste <br />of money. Mr. McMahon advised Mr. Albrecht that the Street Depart- <br />ment must patch all the holes in the.streets as they are observed <br />and, at times, on a temporary basis because of the weather conditions. <br />He stated that, when the weather does not permit adequate patching, <br />the work is done on a temporary basis; however, a follow -up is done <br />on all temporary jobs. Mr. McMahon stated that the Deputy Clerk <br />would take down the citizens' complaints concerning environmental <br />problems and refer them to the Mayor's Action Center for an inspection. <br />LEASES WITH REDEVELOPMENT FOR SURFACE PARKING <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the Redevelopment Department was in the <br />process of updating its leases on downtown property and had, at a <br />previous meeting, terminated certain leases with the city for surface <br />parking. He stated that revised leases had been prepared and were <br />being submitted to the Board for approval for the following parcels <br />of land: <br />Disposition Parcel Nos. 4 -3, 4 -30, 4 -28, 4 -29, 4 -80, <br />8 -9, 8 -11, 9 -1, 9 -8 and 9 -9 <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the leases were referred to the Controller's Office and the Legal <br />Department for review and recommendation. <br />APPROVED REQUEST TO ADVERTISE FOR: BIDS STREET "DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT <br />Mr. John Baumgartner, Director of the Division of Transportation, <br />requested permission from the Board to advertise for bids on a <br />mechanical sweeper, with bids to be opened on June 2, 1980. Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the request was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. '4 RITSCHARD BROS'. (FIRST BANK CENTER) <br />Mr. McMahon reported that Ritschard Brothers, Inc. has submitted for <br />approval Change Order No. 4 in the amount of $15,330.00 for miscel- <br />laneous work items necessary to bring the foundation, de- watering <br />and excavation work forward. He stated that the change order takes <br />care of six months of de- watering and rock removal and increases <br />the total contract amount to $497,942.07. Mr. McMahon stated that <br />the Construction Manager and the Architect had reviewed the change <br />order and the work performed and had found in to be in order. Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, Change <br />Order No. 4 in the amount of $15,330.00 was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF COPIER RENTAL AGREEMENT- CETA <br />Mr. McMahon noted that the Board had previously awarded the low <br />bid for an office copier to Adams -Remco for the Bureau of Employ- <br />ment and Training. A Copier Rental Agreement for lease of the <br />machine at a cost of $307.00 per month was submitted for execution. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and <br />carried, the rental agreement was approved. <br />1 <br />