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M1 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 21, 1980 <br />REOUEST TO PURCHASE CITY -OWNED LOT 1212 SOUTH FRANKLIN <br />The Board received a request from Mr. L. J. Daniel for the purchase <br />of the property at 1212 South Franklin Street, legally described <br />as the north one -half of Lot Numbered Nineteen (19) as shown on <br />the Recorded Plat of Samuel C. Stull's Second Addition to the <br />City of South Bend. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon and <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was referred to <br />the appropriate city agencies for review and comments. <br />APPROVAL OF CETA SUBGRANT AGREEMENTS - MODIFICATIONS, URBAN <br />LEAGUE AND PENN - HARRIS - MADISON SCHOOL CORPORATION <br />The Board received a request for approval of Modification No. 1 <br />to the agreement with the Urban League which added a job <br />description for two secretaries; provided an extra sum of $13,967 <br />to extend funding for the maintenance worker and fund two additional <br />secretarial positions; and changed the complaint procedure for <br />PSE participants. All other provisions, assurances and program <br />narrative from the initial agreement remained unchanged. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />approval was granted. <br />The Board received a request for approval of Modification No. 1 <br />to the agreement with Penn- Harris - Madison School Corporation <br />which provided an extra $3,200 in wages to extend funding for <br />a career education media aide; and modified the program narrative <br />by including additional project goals for a six -month extension <br />and added a letter assuring transition to regular payroll after <br />project extension end date. All other provisions, assurances <br />and program narrative from the initial agreement remained unchanged. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />carried, approval was granted. <br />APPROVAL OF HANDICAPPED PARKING PERMITS <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the following permits were approved and referred to the Controller's <br />Office for issuance: <br />R. Jack Bower (renewal) <br />3005 Easton Court <br />Apartment A <br />Mishawaka, Indiana <br />Herbert L. Fritz (renewal) <br />2610 W. MacGregor <br />South Bend, Indiana <br />APPROVE EXCAVATION BOND - TOROK EXCAVATING COMPANY <br />Upon the recommendation of Raymond S. Andrysiak, the excavation <br />bond for Torok Excavating & Demolition Company was approved on <br />a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried. <br />REQUEST TO HOLD MARATHON RACE - INDIANA STATE BAR ASSOCIATION <br />The Board received a request from the Indiana State Bar Association <br />to hold a marathon race on April 26, 1980. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was <br />referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and the Traffic <br />Division for review and recommendation. <br />