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319 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JANUARY 21. 1980 <br />which could not have been foreseen and there was a great deal <br />more material which had to be excavated than what was thought. <br />He stated that an alternate to this problem would have been to <br />install a piling foundation, and an amount of $700,000 over and <br />above the quoted figure of the change order would have been <br />spent on piling. He indicated that, from a cost standpoint, <br />the city had made the right decision regarding the foundation <br />system. He indicated that the bulk of the contingencies had <br />been expected to be used for the excavation work. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE RECOMMENDATION FOR DENIAL OF TAXI CAB LICENSE - <br />GEORGE STRATTON <br />Upon a recommendation received by City Controller Joseph E. <br />Kernan, Mr. McMahon made a motion to deny the license application <br />of George Stratton, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried. The Clerk <br />was instructed to advise Mr. Stratton of the Board's decision <br />and inform him of his right to appear before the Board to discuss <br />the matter. <br />ACCEPT DONATION OF AUTOMOBILE - MAYOR ROGER 0. PARENT <br />The Board acknowledged receipt of a letter from Mayor Parent in <br />which he expressed the desire to donate to the City of South <br />Bend a 1972 passenger automobile for use by the Police Department <br />undercover unit . The letter indicated that the vehicle was <br />worth approximately $700 wholesale and $1,000 retail and that <br />Mayor Parent was donating the automobile to show his appreciation <br />to the citizenry for having given him the privilege of serving <br />them as a councilman for eight years and now as Mayor. Mr. <br />McMahon thanked the Mayor for his generosity on behalf of the <br />Board, and upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Kernan and carried, the donation was approved and accepted. <br />FILING OF ASSESSMENT ROLL - VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3484 <br />Patrick M. McMahon, P. E., Civil City Engineer, filed an Assessment <br />Roll with respect to Vacation Resolution No. 3484 for the vacation <br />of the second east -west alley between Lots 46 & 47 North of <br />Northside Boulevard, running east from Clover Street 111.5' to <br />the north -south alley. The following property may be injuriously <br />or beneficially affected by such vacation: <br />Lots 46 & 47, Euclid Park Addition <br />The Assessment Roll lists $0.00 net damages and $0.00 net benefits <br />to the abutting properties. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Assessment Roll was filed <br />and set for public hearing on February 18, 1980. <br />APPROVAL OF ESCROW AGREEMENT - FIRST BANK CENTER PROJECT <br />The Board received an Escrow Agreement with Koontz - Wagner Electric <br />Company for the First Bank Center Project. The agreement provides <br />that interest will be paid on retainage funds. Upon motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the agreement <br />was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST TO REPLACE 3/4 TON TRUCK - STREET DEPARTMENT <br />The Board received a request from John Baumgartner, Street Commissioner, <br />for the replacement of a 3/4 ton pick -up truck which will not pass <br />safety inspection. The letter indicated that it would cost the <br />city more in repairs to fix the truck than the truck was actually <br />worth. Six area dealers were contacted, and it was indicated that <br />McCormick Motors had given a price of $5,284, which was stated to <br />be the best price, on a comparable truck. Mr. Baumgartner <br />requested approval to purchase the truck from McCormick Motors <br />in the above - stated amount. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was approved. <br />