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REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 1980 <br />and re- advertise for a vehicle similar to the ones presently being used. <br />Mr. McMahon asked about the current construction of the ambulances, <br />and Chief Brassell indicated that they were aluminum models, and <br />the models specified in the bids were either part or all steel which <br />considerably reduced its life expectancy versus the all aluminum <br />models. He indicated that the ambulances were in excellent condition <br />after four years. Mr. McMahon asked if the Fire Department was <br />planning to replace the chassis on one of the vehicles, and the <br />Chief indicated that that was their decision and one more vehicle <br />would be advertised if the Board approved. Upon a motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan, and carried, the bids <br />received were rejected and permission was granted to re- advertise <br />the bids and replace the chassis on one of the present vehicles. <br />AWARD BIDS - ATRIUM PORTION OF FIRST BANK CENTER <br />Mr. McMahon indicated that Sollitt Construction had recommended the <br />following bids for award: <br />Skylight - Bid Package 121 <br />Roper T.B.G. $825,240.00 <br />Award at: 809,640.00 <br />Budget Estimate: 775,000.00 <br />Quarry Tile - Bid Package 118 <br />Interior Finishes, Inc. $137,660.00 <br />Awarded at: 90,925.00 <br />Budget Estimate: 75,000.00 <br />Mechanical - Bid Package 119 <br />Slutsky -Peltz $119,400.00 <br />Awarded at: 119,400.00 <br />Budget Estimate: 160,000.00 <br />Electrical - Bid Package 120 <br />Koontz - Wagner Electric $ 56,500.00 <br />Awarded at: 56,500.00 <br />Budget Estimate: 75,000.00 <br />Mr. McMahon indicated that the total awards amount was $1,076,456 <br />and the budget estimate total was $1,085,000. He further stated <br />that two of the items, Bid Package 115, Structural Steel, and Bid <br />Package 117, Curtain. Wall, had come in at excessive and unreasonable <br />figures. He stated that the budget estimate for the structural steel <br />package was $255,000, and the bid received was in the amount of <br />$599,600. The budget estimate for the curtain wall package was <br />$312,000, and the bid received was in the amount of $938,732. He <br />explained that further negotiations would be made to try and bring <br />the costs down and it was recommended that these two bids not be <br />awarded at this time. He stated that it could be possible the two <br />items would have to be re- advertised. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Board awarded the <br />bids as recommended, subject to receipt of the required Performance <br />Bonds and Labor and Material Payment Bonds and the Certificates of <br />Insurance. <br />CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 APPROVED - FIRST BANK CENTER PROJECT - <br />MASS EXCAVATION <br />A change order in the contract with Ritschard Brothers, Inc. for <br />mass excavation for the First Bank Center Project was submitted <br />to the Board, recommended for approval by the Construction Manager <br />and the Architect. The contract sum was in the amount of $176,550, <br />and the amount of the change order was an addition of $300,622.07, <br />for a total cost to date, if approved, of $477,172.07. Mr. McMahon <br />explained that the contract had been let for the performance of <br />excavation and backfill work in order to construct the footings <br />and garage portion. He indicated that a 2% increase to a general <br />contract was not a great amount; however, it was an 80% increase <br />in the cost for excavation. He explained that conditions occurred <br />