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3I` <br />REGULAR 14EETING <br />JANUARY 21, 1980 <br />Center at 505 North Lafayette, used the alleys in question for the <br />pickup and drop -off of children to the nursery. She felt the <br />center would be greatly inconvenienced if the alleys were vacated. <br />Mr. John Horan, 304 West Navarre, presented two petitions to the <br />Board signed by the residents in the immediate vicinity who <br />opposed the vacation. He felt the vacation would have a detrimental <br />and adverse impact of the residential properties. <br />Mr. Forte indicated that there would be a specific area designated <br />for loading and unloading at the Medical Foundation. He indicated <br />that he was not aware of any blockage which would affect the <br />surrounding properties. He indicated that the east -west alley <br />was unimproved and the Foundation would allow the improved alley <br />for everyone's use. He explained that there was a cut -away area <br />for trucks and deliveries in response to Mrs. Martin's concern. <br />He stated that the Circle of Mercy's use of the alley was previously <br />closed and he could not understand that concern. <br />Mr. Hill made a motion to table the matter until the next meeting <br />of the Board in order to allow a tour of the area by the Board <br />before a final decision was reached, seconded by Mr. Kernan. The <br />motion carried. <br />A resident of the area asked for a copy of the proposed layout by <br />the Foundation, and it was indicated that Mr. Mathews would provide <br />a copy. Mr. Jim Conley, 310 West Navarre, indicated that.the <br />Park Avenue Neighborhood Association was seeking historic status <br />for its neighborhood district and he felt the vacation of the alleys <br />would have an adverse effect on the neighborhood. Mr. Forte stated <br />that the proposed plan was designed to facilitate programs for out- <br />patient care, the Blood Bank and services for handicapped door <br />deliveries. He stated that the Foundation has donated two pieces <br />of property to Southold Restorations and is also concerned about <br />the historical status of the area. He further stated that the <br />Foundation has allowed the Youth Services Bureau and the YWCA to <br />use its property for several years past. <br />PUBLIC HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL NO. 2984 - MEADE STREET SEWERS <br />This being the date set, hearing was held on the Assessment Roll <br />for the Meade Street Sewers in Homeland 2nd and Homeland 3rd <br />Subdivision on Meade Street from Calvert to Ewing, authorized <br />under Improvement Resolution No. 3480, 1979. The Clerk tendered <br />proofs of publication of notice in the South Bend Tribune and the <br />Tri- County News which were found to be sufficient. Mr. McMahon <br />indicated that the contractor had been Bartolini Excavating and <br />a Project Completion Affidavit had been approved by the Board. <br />The total project cost was in the amount of $53,642.16. Mr. <br />McMahon asked if the final assessment roll figures had been reduced, <br />and Mr. David Wells, Manager of the Bureau of Design and Administra- <br />tion, indicated that the final figure was a decrease over the <br />preliminary assessment roll, estimated at about $20 below the <br />estimate on the sewer cost. He stated that the figure was somewhat <br />below the original estimate, but not greatly reduced. Mr. McMahon <br />indicated that the original estimate for the preliminary sb.owed <br />a figure of $55,949.30, and the final amount was $53,642.16. A <br />resident of the area asked the Board how long the property owners <br />would have to pay the assessment, and Mr. McMahon indicated that <br />the property owners would have five years or less at 6% interest. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill, and <br />carried, the Assessment Roll was approved. <br />REJECT AMBULANCE BIDS AND APPROVED REQUEST TO RE- ADVERTISE <br />Fire Chief Timothy Brassell informed the Board that the vehicles <br />advertised were not of the same type presently being used by the <br />Department. He explained his desire to have an orderly replacement <br />program for the vehicles, and the van -type vehicles were not desired <br />from a use standpoint. He requested permission to reject the bids <br />