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147 <br />REGULAR MEETING JULY 30, 1979 <br />Emulsified Asphalts, Inc. Bid was signed by William D. <br />Chicago, Illinois Miteff, non - collusion affidavit <br />was in order and a certified <br />check was submitted. <br />Bid - .600,000 gal. emulsified asphalt, <br />$0.4999 per gal., total $299,940.00 <br />FIRM BID <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, <br />the bids were referred to the Division of Engineering for review <br />and recommendation. <br />PROPOSAL FROM NEAR WEST SIDE ASSOCIATION RE: CITY CEMETERY FENCE <br />Mr. Floyd Carter, Vice President of the Near West Side Neighborhood <br />Organization presented the following letter to the Board: <br />"At a recent meeting of the Near West Side Neighborhood Organization, <br />the various alternatives for maintenance and keeping the City <br />Cemetery fence were presented to the membership. <br />In an attempt to aid the Board and the Parks Commission in their <br />decision, our organization has yet another option. It was <br />mentioned that the Parks' staff is limited, and this perhaps is <br />one reason the fence has not been painted or rust - proofed in over <br />thirty years. We were advised by the owners of the St. Joseph <br />Cemetery organization'(who also show interest in purchasing this <br />fence), that rust- proofing and proper painting maintains fences <br />against the elements in a sufficient manner. Therefore, the Near <br />West Side Organization volunteers its membership (and its friends) <br />to rust- proof and paint the fence. The City, of course, would <br />provide the materials and necessary repairs. It is obvious that <br />such a joint venture would cost far less than the excess of <br />$30,000 proposed to replace the fence. <br />Although we appreciate the attention you have given this matter <br />to date, we feel acceptance of this offer would be evidence of <br />the best kind of mutual good faith necessary between the administra- <br />tion and our neighborhood. We therefore ask you to give our <br />proposal serious consideration in your future deliberations." <br />Mr. Mullen noted that there was a meeting with the Organization and <br />Robert Niezgodski and Ray Nemeth of the Park Department to discuss <br />alternatives. This proposal was not presented at that time. Mr. <br />Niezgodski is in the process of awaiting proposals from companies <br />who do this type of fence work. Mr. Mullen said he will inform <br />Mr. Niezgodski of the proposal of the Neighborhood Organization <br />and they will add this to their alternatives. <br />PETITION AND RESOLUTION SUPERCEDING DOCUMENTS ADOPTED JULY 23 <br />RE: NORTHWEST ANNEXATION <br />Robert M. Parker, Chief Deputy City Attorney, advised the Board <br />that a tract of land was not included in the petition submitted and <br />Approved by the Board last week. The City owns and uses this land <br />in connection with the Waste Water Treatment Plant. This new <br />petition and resolution refers to this tract of land and the tract <br />of land from last week. Everything else in the.petition and resolu- <br />tion is the same. Mr. McMahon made a motion to adopt the following <br />petition and resolution and that the previous petition and resolution <br />adopted July 23, 1979 be rescinded. Mr. Mullen seconded the motion <br />and it carried. <br />PETITION TO HAVE CERTAIN TERRITORY ANNEXED <br />TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />The City of South Bend, acting by and through its Board of Public <br />