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ItEGlJLAR ~MEE'TT~TG AUGTJST 9 2~1U X36 <br />APPRGVC CHANGE ORDER I - I~EI~'I~[EDY PARK STC7R8vi SEWER SEPARATION <br />PHASE ~ - PRG,BE+CT N(7. 1119-043 SRF <br />N1r. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change f~rder No. ! on behalf <br />of C&E Excavating, Inc., 53767 County Road 9, Elkhart, Indiana X6514, indicating the Contract <br />amount be increased by $2,25©.4t] for a new Contract sum, including this Change Order, in the <br />amount of $99,758.3+0. ljpan a motion made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, <br />the Change Order was approved.. <br />APPROVE CHANGE t)RDI;R 1 - KI/NNEI3'Y PARK ST~QR SEWER SEPARATION <br />-- PHASE 3 - PROJECT 1'+1C1. 149-+0{J3 SRF <br />NIr. Gilot advised that Mr. Tay Vida, Ertgir~eering, has submitted Change f3rder No. I on behalf <br />of ~&E Excavating, .Inc., 53767 County Road 9, Elkhart, Indiana X6514, indicating the Contract <br />amount lae increased by X45,565.4[1 for a reew~ +G+ontraet sum, including this Change Order, in the <br />amount of ~674,Z13.?9, Upon a motion made by IVIr_ Littrell, seconded. by I"v'Ir. Inks and carried, <br />the Change Order was approved. <br />APPROVE CHANGE [7RDER I~,Ia. I -FINAL A:ND PRO.IECT COMPLETION AFI~IDAVIfi <br />I~RN ROAR WATER I~riA <br />- _OOP - PR03ECT _NO. 1(19-453 ~B[?ND) <br />I'vlr. Gilot advised that IVIr, Ed Herman., Water Works, has submitted Change C7rder Na. 1 ~Finaly <br />an behalf of C&E Excavating, Inc., 53767 County Road 9, Elkhart, Iredia.rea 46514, indicating the <br />coz~.tract arncaurat be decreased by ~12,215.~41 for a reeve contract surre, including this Change <br />[3rder, of 5316,948.94. Additionally submitted was the Proje~~t Coanpletion Af~edavit indicating <br />this new final cast of 5316,948.94. upon a rraotion made ley Mr. Inks, seconded by 1VIr. Littrell <br />and carried, Change Qrder No. 1 (Final) and the Project Completion Affidavit were approved. <br />f iv +.,a=.a a.Jr-o,~icrs~sY 1 R.~L1kYA1 av~,~~vn -,_r _d~yr~L~ i ,1~,V' 1 1 U-FP~.f) ~,.~4l.iV LJ"~y <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Tay Villa, Engineering, has submitted. the Project Completion <br />Affidavit on behalf of Schuster 'Mechanical, 26(13 North Faundatiort prive, South Bend, Indiana <br />46b28, for the ab~ave referea~ced project, indicating a final cast of 544,924.47, Upon a treoton <br />made by NIr. Littrell, seconded 1~y Mr. Inks and carried, the Project Cornpletii~ri Affidavit was <br />approved. <br />APPROVAI. QF RE UEST TO ADVERTISE FOR THE RECEIPT OF 131D5 A1~D TITLE <br />5I-lEE"I` -:ERSKINE pETEAITIC}N P~]]'~tU }~ECUIVS'TRU+~TION' - PRQJECT Nf7 i 1(1-456 <br />USDA TIP} <br />In a memaraztdum to the Board, IW'Ir, Patrick Henthorn, Engineering, .requested peiTnission to <br />advertise for the receipt ofbicls for the above referenced. project. Also presented at tbfs time for <br />approval and executiare was the Title Sheet_ Upon a motion made by Mr_ Inks:, seconded by Mr. <br />Littrell and. carried., the above request to advertise was approved, and. the Title Sheet was <br />approved anal signed. <br />APP'RQVAL OF RE(~UEST TQ ADVERTISE ,j~OR TI-IE._ktECEfI'T_ QF $I.I3S AI+J~3 TITLE <br />SHEET -WESTERN AVENI~EIOLfVE STREI/T INTE'RSE~GTIC7N lllr'Il'ROVEMENTS - <br />PRf1JECT N+a. I I4-OQ3 LRSA <br />lu a memorandum to the guard, IVIr, Rob Nichols, Engineering, requested permission to <br />advertise fQr flee receipt of bids for the above referenced. project.. Also presented at this tittle for <br />approval and execution. was the Title Sheet. llpon a oration triad e by Mr. Izyks, seconded by Mr. <br />Iaittrell and carried, the above regreest to ad~rertise was approved, and floe Title Sheet was <br />approved and signed. <br />