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REGULAR MEETING AIJGUS'I' 9, ZCtI+~ Z35 <br />$523,717'.Dfi. Additianaliy, the Construction Contract was submitted for approval. Therefore, Mr. <br />Littrell made a motion that the recr+rnu~enclatian be accepted and the- hid be awarded and the <br />Construction Contract approved as autlinecl shave. IVIr. Inks secrrractecl the motion, which carried, <br />AWARD BID - 2~Yfl9 f~R NEWER SELF CQN'l'AlNEI7 ZS-Y'ARD LEAF VAC (PARKS <br />CAPITAL <br />Mr. 3effrey Hudak, Central. Services, advised the Board that on June 28, 20l{l, bids were <br />received and opened. for floe above referred to equipment.. After reviewing those bids, lv'lr. Hudak <br />recomrnencled that the Board award. the cantxact to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, <br />Link Environmental Equipment, Inc., 918 I+larth i~S Highway 35, P+C] Box 158, '~Vinaixtac, <br />Indiana. 4699~a, in the arzlount of ~28,~14fJ,~}t]. Therefore, Mr. Littreli made a motion that the <br />recamrreendation be aecepted and. the bid be awarded as oxztiined shave. Mr. Inks seconded the <br />~natian, which carried. <br />RATIFY SWARD QF Q1~OTATI[31~i - LC?CUST RdAD WATER MAil~l REI1C.lCATIGN - <br />PRa~ECT NQ. ~ 1 ~-055 ~,t~VATER W'GRKS cAFITAIJ] <br />Mr. Phil Custard, Purchasing, advised the Board that the County is doing road work on Locust <br />Road. which will require that the main water line be relocated. Mr. Custard. noted that. since this is <br />a project being handled by the County, the Water Wosks I]epartment had na prior k:nvwledge <br />that movi~ag the water line was necessary. The contractor on site, Young's Excavating, Inc. <br />sss'bmitted a quote of $33,SU4.~0 to excavate and. move the existing line. Mr. Custard requested <br />the Board authari~e this as a special purchase pursuant to l.C. 5-2?-l(1-5, Savings to Government <br />Bodies. Board Attorney, Cheryl Greene, approved this award as meeting the iegai requirements <br />of a special purchase.. Board President Cary Ghat stated the Board had previously approved this <br />av~rard at a Special Meeting of ]uly 29, 2~Q1fD, anal just needed to officially ratify the award. <br />Therefore, upon a xr~otion by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mr. Lttrell and carried, the 13aard approved <br />the award to Young's Excavating, Inc,, PG Bax ?76b, South Bend, frldiana 4CaC$tl, in the amount <br />of $3,Sf}t1.4~0. <br />A'W'ARD QLT~TATI+DI~I AND APPRGVE C[~NSTRI.~CTIt~N CGNTRA+CT - I~ENi~IEDY <br />FARIti CURS AI'w1D SIDEV4'ALI~ PR[]GRAM -- PR+DJECT NG. l l~-(14a <br />Mr. Patrick Henthorn, Engineering,. advised the Board that on 3uly 29, 2~ 1 [?, quotations were <br />received and opened fiar the above referred tea project, .After reviewing those quotations, lVlr, <br />Henthom recarnmended that the Board award the contract to the lowest responsive and <br />responsible bidder, +Drtiz Concrete, 530 South Pulaski Street, South Bend, Irndiana 46b19, in unit <br />prices. Therefore= Mr. Giiot made a motion that the recommendation be accepted and the <br />quotation be awarded as outlined above, subject to funding, Mr. Littrell sec~anded flee motion, <br />which carried. Nir. Gilot noted he plans to take the funds out of the concrete appropriation. <br />APPR€7VE CHANGE C)RI~ER 1 - N1lAIVlI RUAI3 ID~N~I~IG fKER~6 RGAI] TC] ~ACK,SQN <br />RGABS - Pl~t]JECT I~~Q. 9b-82 (b'}lWA1Ll~SA~ <br />lvlr. Gilot advised that Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, has submitted Change ~Clydc.r Na. 1 on behalf <br />of Haflanan Bros., Inc., 8S?~l Verona Road, Battle Creek, Michigan 49U1~, indicating the <br />Contract amount be increased by $ l b,547.94 for a new Contract sun, including this Change <br />Ch°der, in the amount of 54,3fi8,2~U.~3, Upon a mratioza made by Mr. Inks, seconded by Mi•. <br />Littrell and carried, the Cl~ang~e Qrd~r was approved. <br />APl'R~3VE C'FIAhIGE CRD'ER l - IRGNI~VC}C]D DRIVE WATER MAID EXTENSl~C1N - <br />P~~J~CT ND. 109-f15~ ~BG'~D) <br />Mr. Gilot advised that Mr. Ed Herman, Water Works, has subrriitted Change Chde Na, 1 on <br />behalf of C$cE Excavating, Inc., 537fa7 County Road 9, Elkhart, Indiana 4fs51~, indicating the <br />reduction of unused quantities and additional items tc~ the cantra~:t, with. no change to tl~e amuus~t <br />