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REGi..1LAR 1V1EETlNG <br />At1GL)ST 9, 201Q 237 <br />~7QPT Rl/SC}LL-T101~ 1'1[3. 48-2altl - A RESaLI~TIQN QE THE SQHTI~ SEIti]D SQARI7 <br />QF PUBLIC WQitKS QN DIS1?[)SAL QF l_Il•1F1"I' ANDIOR USSC3LETE PRQPERTY <br />LJpan a motion made by 1-v'Ir. Inks, seconded by Mr_ l_,ittrell anal carried, the fallowing Resolution <br />was adapted by the Board of Public Works; <br />1~5C)LLTTIaQ1111~10~. 48-ZD 1 ~ <br />,~4 RES~}LLTTICIN dF THE ~~11JTH BElt1D BQARI3 ~F PUSLIC'V~~3R>l~S <br />O~N 1Q1SP4SAL ~llt` 1~NF~T ANDI@lit UIiS+DLETE FR4FE~i"I`~' <br />Wl lEl~ EAS, it has been. determined by the Beard of Public Works that the fallowing property <br />is unfit far the purpose £or which it was intended and is no longer needed by the City of Sauna <br />Bend: <br />EIP ClFFlCE.1ET V 40 PRll~i`l'ER,1~AX, SGANI~IER, C°QP11R <br />MOI7EI, C8413A, SERIAL 1ti1~3. X4027 <br />~JI-lE1~AS, Indiana bode 5-22-22 permits and. es#ablisl~es procedure ~'or disposal of <br />personal property which is unfit fur the purpose for which it was intended and which is na longer <br />needed by floe City. <br />NdVV, Tl-I1~REFDRE, B1; 1T RESQL'~1'El~ 13y the 13~aard cif` Public Wa~rks €~f the City of <br />South Bezsd that the items listed above are: no la~nger needed by the City andlor are tanfit far floe <br />purpese for which they were intended and have an estimated combined Value of less than five <br />thousand dollars ($5,Ofl0.04). <br />BE IT FtJ1~T1-IEi~ R1SC~LVED that said items many be trans~`erred er seld at public <br />auction or private sale, witlxaut advertising. However, if the prapertyrs deemed worthless, such <br />maybe demolished or ~unkcd. <br />AL3(]PTEI? this 9th day of AL;IGUST, 2(I1 ~. <br />Cry of sauT~-ll a~Er~l~ <br />H[3ARI7 {7F PUBLIC ARKS <br />sl Mary Gi1ot <br />sl Denald Inks <br />sl Garl Littrell <br />ATTEST: <br />slLinda 9Wlartia~, Clerk <br />AD~L3PT RESCrLUTIC}N 1'~YD. ~9-~Ol ~ - A RE~~C3Ll1T1QN C3h' THE SQl1TH 6E1~1`D BC3ARD <br />C]F P~dBLIC W(]1t1~S 411 D1SP+aS AL +DF UNFIT ANDfC1)~ C~BSQLETIv PR~PERT~ <br />iJpan a motion made by 1'vlr. Inks, seconded ~y Mr. Littrell and carried, floe following P.esolutian <br />was adopted by ~e Seard of Public Wor1~s: <br />~l~S®Li.1TIaN NU. 4'~-014 <br />A RESULL"F)4C)1~1` Cl~` SHE S[JC1TH SltaN~} BtIARD aF ~'>OBLfC ~JV`flRI~S <br />Ql~ LIISPr~~AL 4.~F iJI~TFiT ANDIDR ~BS(]LETE PIFCUPFR`)1"Y <br />WHEREAS, it has been determined by the Beard of Pulalic'~Jcrrks that the fallowing property <br />uiaf~t far the ~aurr~ose fc~r which it was intended acad is rya ltaa~~er neerl~d ~,~ the City of ~naatF~ <br />