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REGULAR iVTEETIIVG AUGUST 9 2OTQ 234 <br />(3). Upon a motion made by Ivir. Littreii, seconded by iVir. Inks and carried., the above bids were <br />referred tv Equipmerpt Services fvr review and recornrr~endation.. <br />C7PENING GIM UQ'I'ATIG~iVS -WATER I~v'IAIN CRGSSING C7F' CANAi7IAlwi NATIQNAL <br />RAILRGAD AT 3(l~-H STREE`T'- PRCMJECT C3. fl fl ~-t7S4 WATER W~R.KS CAPITAL <br />Mr. Gilot advised that dais was the date set for the receiving and opening ofseaied rotations fvr <br />the above referenced project. The foiiowirrg Quotations were opened and read: <br />HRP ~(]l~'rST`RUCTI~I~ INC. <br />5?77 Cieveiand Road. <br />._._, PG Bax Zfifi <br />So~rth $errd, Indiana 4624 <br />Quvtatiorr wags s~rbmitted by Mr. Paoi Fallon <br />QUG~TATi[3N: $89,6Q0.[1t3 <br />FIERRIV~A.IY ~ GDL'I~~, II~~C. D~lA iJNDERGR~;tTNi) S~~tVJGES <br />225 South Lafayette BouT+evard ~ _.,_ <br />South Bend, Indiana 46b4fl <br />[notation wras subrrritted by Mr. Thamas Herrman <br />~QU~ITATI4I~: $83,Qfl0,~4 <br />YQi71'ti~GS ~XCAVATiNG II~TC. <br />P~ Box 276 <br />South Bend, Indiana 46b8f} <br />Quotation was submitted by Mr. Kurt Youngs <br />Q'CIfl'I'ATIGN. $73yOJSifl',0'~ <br />fipvrr a motion made by Mr. Littreii, seconded by Mr, Inks and carried., the above [~.rotativns <br />were referred to Wat~;r Works and Engineering fvr review and rceammendatian. <br />AWARD BID ANU APPROVE CGNSTRUGTIGN CQi~!'TRACT- VOLi~S`I'+ITAR,Y SOIL <br />RE?ViEDIATIC3N AT TIDE FORMER NORi~4LK SC}UTHpRN RAILRC}AD P~,RCEL - <br />PR[]JECT Na. T i t}-[IS T EI'A GRANT <br />Mr. Rob Nichols, Engineering, advised the Soard that art July 25, 2[lI{1, bids were received and <br />opened fvr the alcove referred to project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Nichols recomrrrended <br />that the Huard award the contract to the iv~vest responsive and r€;sponsible bidder, John <br />Boettcher Sewer 8~ Excavating, Inc., 3475 North. Harne Street, Mishawaka, Indiana 4f X45, in the <br />amount of ~59,32~.78. Ad~iitiorra:tiy, the CUirstrll~tiorl Cotrtt'a~:t was subrnitt~i fvr approval. <br />Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion that the recomrr~endatiotr be accepted and tine bid be awarded <br />and the Constr-action Contract approved as outlined abov~e_ lvflr. Littreil seconded the rnotiorr, <br />which carried. <br />AWARD BID Ai~li] APPRC?VE CC3NSTRUCTI(7N C~QNTRACT -RAW PUMP N(~ 3 <br />UPGRADE - PRL)J~CT I'+IC3. 1 T 0-[741 (WWTP CAPITAI.~ <br />1WIr. AI Greek, Environmental Services, advvised the Board that on July 2C~, 2Q i tJ, bids were <br />received alid opened for the above referred to project. After reviewing those bids, Mr. Greek <br />recomttter,ded that the H©ard award the carrtract to the Iowest responsive arrd responsible bidder, <br />Masrarr Engineering and Construction, Inc., 7516 DiSaiie Boulevard, Suite A, Fort Wayne, <br />Indiana 4f~?5, in the amount of $2~3,{7dJ0,4{I, Additionally, the Canstruction Contract was <br />