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P~.1BI.IC AGEIVD~A SES'SIflN A~~~a~I~T 5.2~It~ 23I. <br />No other business carne before the JBoard. The Clerk was instructed to post the agenda and notify <br />the media. and other persons who have requested notice of the meeting agenda. The meeting <br />adjourned at 11:5 a,rn. <br />soAR~ ~~ P[JBLIC wo1~.Ks <br />~-~.:i <br />Crary A. lot, President <br />~ ,~ .. <br />I~ nal~ E. nks, Member- <br />~~~ <br />Cori P. I.ittrell, tyle~n~rer <br />ATTEST: <br />~n~la M. Martin, Clerk <br />I7.ECit~LAR 1VlEETiNG AI:~GUST 9, 2[t1U <br />The Regular Me~etiug of the Board of Public Works was convened at 9:341 a.rn. vn lVlonday,. <br />August. ~, 24314y, by Board President Gary A. Gilot, with Board iVlerrabers ~onaid 1/. Yaks grad <br />Carl P, Littrell present. Also present was Board Attorney Cheryl Greene. <br />ADI~ITIC7N TC3 THE AGENI.~A <br />~v1r. Gilot noted the addition #o the agenda of a request #`or a street closure for a Elock Party on <br />Bella Street. <br />AI'PR43VE IVIiNiJTES OF PREVIGUS MEETING <br />upon a rraotion made by Mr. I.ittrell, seconded by Mr. Isrlcs and carried, the 1Vlinutes of the <br />Agenda Session, Regular Meeting, Special Meetings, and Claims Meeting of floe }3oard held on <br />.Iaaly 2~, 24)141, .Iuly ~6, 241 T 41, duly 29, 2411 ~, and August ~, 241141 were approved.. <br />®PENING C]F_~IDS - DEM4~~I.ITIC]N CAF PGRMER ~REI]"S TT~ANSMiSS1C7~N_&.CLCJTC~. <br />5417 WEST WESTERN ANI~ GI~RB AhIDE SIDEWALK Ri~STC3RATI4~I<I 4~F ~dVELESKI <br />HCIUSING BLC7CK- PItG,IECT I~+I4_ P It3~4143 SBC~A ~ _-~------ <br />This vvas the date set I'or receiving and opening of sealed bids f€ar the above referred to praject_ <br />The Clerk. tendered proofs of peablicati€~a~ of Notice in the South Fend Tribune and the Tri- <br />County News, which were found to be sufficient. T`he following bids were opened and publicly <br />read. <br />~'&E EKCA'VAT~IVG. lI~IC. <br />