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PU$LIC A{:~ENl7A s~SSiC~I~I AUGUST s, ~a1+6 23(l <br />TABLE ItE UEST FQR TRAFFIC C+~rNTRCL DEVICE <br />Mr. Inks informed the Board that on June ~$, 2Q] D, a Ilaa~dicarpped reserved Marking sign was <br />denied. at ~ 13 East Uakside St., due to the applicant having. a driveway that offers a flat, <br />unohstrcxcted walkway to his house, The applicant, Mr. Craig Bourdon, has since requested the <br />Board review his application. Ile Hated he canl~cat shovel his driveway in the winter and. it is <br />easier for hurl to park in the street. Ide stated that his neighbors park. in front. of his house sa it is <br />difficult to fnd parking in front of his house_ Therefore, he asps that the Board reconsider his <br />request based on his nutxteraus health conditiol~s, Board Attorney Cheryl Greene recomrnended <br />the board contact his physician to claxify wily he felt Mr. Battrdon would be ire#ter o'pazlcirlg in <br />front of his home where there are two sets of steps, versus parkialg in the driveway where there is <br />-_ sally ogle stairway. Mr, Littrell questioned why the sidewalk would be easier in the winter if he <br />still needs to shovel. that also.. Upon a motatt made by Mr. Littrell, seconded by Mr. Ilxks anal <br />carried, the request was tabled until no later than the next regular Beard meeting so that the <br />Board could gather mare irlformatiait. <br />The Board discussed the fallowing agenda items; <br />- Resolution ltilca, SQ-Z{lltl - Adapting a Confidentiality Policy Concerning Iioreclosure <br />Prevention Catlnseling and lntelventon <br />Ms. Pam IVieyer, {Cornnaunity and Economic Development, inforlxled the Board that this <br />confdentiality policy is a requirement of the contract recently approved by the Board, <br />She added that the Resolution was drawn up by City Attflmey harry Mete~w•ier anal it <br />Meets the HUD confidentiality regulations. <br />- Change Orders -Kennedy Park Storla~l Sewer Separation -Phases I, U, and III <br />Mr. Toy Villa, Engineering, Hated Change Orders for Phase I and II were due to errors in <br />the design. The design Galled for rnaalhole construction, but there should have also been <br />catch basins installed. They are Haw eliminating spine manholes, and adc3iaig some catch <br />basins. The Change order far Phase III was also an error in the design. The quantities in <br />Item Nc~. 14 were incorrect. <br />- +Gllalige ~C-rder - Ironwood Drive Water Main Extension <br />Mr, Ed 1-Ierman, Water Works, stated tflis +C'hv~ge {)rrler was due to ,a Ii~-re getting hung <br />up under the bridge. The quantities changed, but the cast did nat. <br />- Award (~uotatiali - Locelst Road Water Maur Re$ocatiorl <br />Mr. Littreil questioned Mr. Ed Henrian, Water Works, about the progress of this project. <br />He Hated the Board. apprcive~l the award at their Iast Special Meeting, and it was vn this <br />agenda to ratify the award. Mr. Ilerltxan stated the project i$ at a standstill due to <br />problems with the relocation, ofa NIPSC[] line. Until that is resolved, Mr. Herman stated <br />the work ca.nxat~t be done. <br />- Consent to Annexation and Waiver of Itigllts to Relnolistrate <br />Mr. I~d Herman, Water Weirks, informed the Beard that these three properties an Lucinda <br />Street, requested to have water Tine hook-ups installed, but not to hook-up to City water <br />at this tilale. Tlie warp. is being done in canjunctian with the U. S. 3I Idighway re-design, <br />Mr. Nerman noted the County has informed all of the residents in this area that once their <br />wells run dry, they will not Iae allowed to drill a new oue, they will need to hook-up to <br />City water. Mr. Herman stated that the residents have signed the Waivers. Mr. Inks <br />questioned whether the City always requires the sigli,ature and how often we've had to <br />use this. Mr, Littrell stated we always require it, taut never used the form for Legal <br />reasons. I-Ie noted it is a good way for the residents to understand they live in a dense <br />urban area that. is not self sustaining, <br />- Professi€~nal Services Agreement Amendment <br />Mr. Patrick Hentlxorn, Engineering, stated the Soard previtittsly approved 5Q°i'~ of the <br />funds far this contract with the Troyer Croup for the Diatliond Avenue Trunk Stcil-rrl <br />Sewer design. He noted. we are now at I+Q?°fo and heed to authorize the release of the <br />• ~~..,, ,. ., fir,.... ~_ <br />