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R.~GL`f..AR i1fiEETINC.~ A[JGL~ST 9.20IE] 23~ <br />il+L7iL~.~4 E 3L. Fie Y ~. t !1 t~s ~1\ ~r <br />1+(} ~ ~} ~''edlt Avenale <br />1~islaawaka, Indiana d6545 <br />Bid was signed by. Mr. William L.caudrn <br />Non-Collusion Affidavit was in arder <br />Note-Discrirnnatian +Cotrimitment form. vvas completed <br />Five percent ~5°.~0} Bid Bond vase submit#ed. <br />1311: <br />Iterr~ Descri tiara Amcaunt <br />I Base Sid $ l SQ,[]+~1~.[30 <br /> Envirofuncntal Allowance 2t},43(I'D,~dl <br />Alternate Al Curb & sidewalk $92,325.f~~ <br />INIIIA~I'~1A- EARTH, il'~iC. <br />IiJ~43 McKinley I~ighway <br />~sceolaa Indiana 465~I <br />Bid ~~vas signed by: Mr, NiichaeI 1Vlayse <br />Non-C+~llusion Affida~+it was in artier <br />Nate-Discriminatiars Ccsinrnitment farm eras completed <br />Five percent ~5%) Bid Bond was submitted <br />BID: <br />Item Descri #ian Aj~aunt <br />1 Base Bid $99,81 Q.Q(I <br /> Envixvrmental Allowance $2~D,~(3II.C14 <br />Alternate AI Curb & sidewalk 67,16~_4U <br />Upon a m~a#ion trade by Mr. I,it#rell, sccanded by Mr. Inks anc~ carried, tb.e above 'bids were <br />referred to Comm~attity & l~eonotnc Development fqr review and reex~mmendatic~n. <br />C}PENIIVG ~F BIDS -SEVENTY-FIVE {7~~TVI(3RE 4R LESS, CiC7Ll~ CARTS ~~'UND 6l9] <br />This was the date set for receiving and opening of sealed bids for the above referred to project, <br />The Glerk tendered proofs of publicatiatt of Notice in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri- <br />CauntyNews, wtaich were fo~trtd #a be sufficient. The fQllovaing bids were opened ar~d pubtcly <br />rc:ad~ <br />PR4rES5IUl~lAL G+GILFC'AR CpF~PDRATI(l1`T <br />Past C3fficc; Boy Z50 <br />Hi~k~way 37 $ypass at Fullerton Pike <br />Bloortairtgtan, Indiana 47442-tl~S{l <br />Bid was signed by: 11r1.r. {George Reed, IIl <br />Nan-Colxtsiozt Affidavit vase in order' <br />Non-l]iscrimnativn Cotnmi#mert# form was completed <br />Ten percent (I ~°r'~) Bid Band was submitted <br />l~II1: <br />