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REGI..pLAI~ MEETING A,~3GUST 9, 210 ~3g <br />NGW, Tl-IEREF+ORE, BE IT l~ESOLVEI] by the Board of Public Forks of the City of <br />South Bend that the items listed. above are nc~ longer needed by the City and/or are unit f®r the <br />gurpose far which. they were inteaaded said have an estitnated combined value of less than Iive <br />thousand dollaas ~$~,~0~].I14?}.. <br />BE FT FURTHER ItES4i.'6~ED that said items may be transferred. or sold at public <br />auction or private sale, without adveatasing. Hawe~ver, if the property is deemed worthless, such <br />maybe de~nalished ar junked. <br />~- A~C?PTEI3 than h day of A~GCiST, 2~l l~d. <br />CITY GF SOL-TH BEND <br />BQARlr3 QF PUBLIC ~VGRKS <br />sl +Ga~y Ghat <br />s! Donald Inks <br />sl Carl Littreli <br />ATTI~ST; <br />sl'Linda Y'~art~in, Clerk <br />ADEPT I~ES[7LUTlGN NCD. 5(l_?fl1~Y - AI~GPTIN+G A CUNl~II3ENTIAI.ITY P`Q ICY <br />CC7NCERNING FOI~ECLt3S'L.YI~ PREV>/N'I'1~.7N CGUNSELiNG A,NI) INTFItVENTl4N <br />Upon a rnotian made by Mr. Inks, seconded lay Mr_ Littrell and carried the fallowing Resalutian <br />was adapted by the Board of Public VVarks; <br />lfl~S~LUTI~(}N l~l(?. 50-~f}l <br />A REB~]L[.l'I'IECDN QF Tl~3E BQARI? flF Pill~3L1C WUIItKS <br />QF TI-IE CITY OlF SaI.]TH DEl~li), INDIANA, <br />AD€li''I'11~G A C[}l''-IFiI)E~'I"IA:LI'I'~ PULICY <br />C[3l•ICERNING F+DRECLt7SI~RE FIt~VENTI[~N CCIUI~ISlE~I1YG AIVD <br />iN"I'ERVEI~T'I()N <br />WHEREAS, the City Qf Soath Bend (tlte "Ca~xnseling Agency„} is a IIUD apprawed <br />counseling agency and has contract3ed wash the Indiana Hausxng and Canamunity Develt~pment <br />Authority ~tne '`Il-ICQA"'} to prc~~ae foreclosure preventiart counseling arkd intei-v°entior~ under <br />the Indiana Ft~recposuxe Prevention Network Prng,rart~ (the "IFI'N"); and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the Il=-ICI~A contract and the requirements of the 1FPN, the <br />Coua~seling Agency is rusquired to adapt and. observe a confdentiality galicy with respect to <br />client information acquired in the ccaurse of gravidang foreclosure greventian counseling and <br />intervention; and <br />WFIEREASa the Counseling Agency desires to adc~gt a can~dentiality policy to comgly <br />with the requirements of the IFPN; and <br />WI~EREAS, the Btaard of Public L~Varl{s of the City ~rhe "l3aard") is authorized pursuant <br />to Indaana law to estakrlish a confidentiality Policy eansiste~~t with the IFPN; <br />