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REGULAR MEETING <br />AI1GL.~~T 9, 24I {? X39 <br />B. Before, during, car after the caseiircg session is completed, the Counseling <br />Agency inay not allow a lender to contact a counsel©r or the Counseling Agency to refer a client; <br />discuss a client's personal information, including the time or scheduling of the counseling or <br />rerluest information regarding the topics covered in a counseling session... <br />C'. To safeguard further the privacy of their clients, the Counseling Agency also <br />roust. not: <br />• accelat ~4unselia~g requests by anyone "e)rl behalf of ' consumers, except for persons -_.__, <br />who are legally empowered tea represent such consumers; and <br />• provide information on the scheduling, progress,. or outcome of any counseling, case <br />to anyone vaithou# the client's express prior signed perrraission as documented by the <br />ceaunselcar in the client"s record. <br />1=). Counselors must trot accept co~znsaling requests directly from lenders `°on taelxalf <br />ot" clients, car provide ii~.fearmation to lenders abo~.rt the scheduling, progress or outcome of any <br />counseling session with€aut the client's permission. These practices undermine the independence <br />of the counselor's role, disrespect coiisuiner a-ttonomy and violate the confidentiality of the <br />counseling process. Instead, counselors roust make it clear to the client tronn the start: <br />l) that they have a confidential relatie~nship with the client that is independent of the <br />).ender; <br />2} that the role of the ceaunsel©r is separate from that caf the lender; and <br />3j that the counselor's~db is to represent the )nest interests of the client. <br />E. hloweverr,rf a client. has already been iat cr~ntact r~vitlx a lender, the coz~nselor <br />should show sensitivity to that established relationship by neither encouraging tlor discouraging <br />the continuance ofthe relationship. <br />F_ if a lencfier directly contacts the Counseling .agency to schedule an appointment <br />on behalf of a clienf the counselor must advise the lentle~' oaf the prohihition against this aCti~rity <br />and if it continues, the counselor should contact the 1-~I11] Homeownership Center. <br />G. l~ailure to maintain the confidentiali#y of, +ar improper use of, credit reports may <br />subject tike Counseling Agency to penalties under the Fair Credit reporting Act (14 L].S.C. ] X81 <br />et seq.). <br />H. Hard copies of client files must be kept in locked. filing cabinets and electrranic <br />client files roust be kept secure, and be accessible only by authorised individuals. <br />2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon xts adoption by the Board. <br />ADQP"TEI~ at a meeting of the guard of Public 'Works cf the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />held on August 'q, ~(}It} at ]3~8 County-City Building, 227 ~V. Jefferson Boulevard, Scauth Bernd, <br />Indiana 4a6f31. <br />BQA1~D QF I'1J8LiC 'WC?RKS QF TI-IE CITY flF <br />sc~uTl~ BENI], I~171ANA <br />s/Gary C~ilot, President <br />sll7onald 1/. Inks, 1Vlerxrber <br />