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provides to Landlord copies of any plans and specifications for the alteration or improvement; and (iii) on the <br />Termination Date, Tenant surrenders the part of the Premises altered or improved in as good a condition as on the <br />date that Tenant accepts the Premises. Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of Landlord, make any: <br />(1) alterations, improvements, or additions of or to the exterior of the Premises; or (2) except as described above, <br />structural or other alterations, improvements, or additions of or to any part of the Premises. All alterations, <br />improvements, or additions to the Premises, exclusive of moveable equipment, shall become the sole property of <br />Landlord on the Termination Date. <br />(b) Permits. Before making any alterations, improvements, or additions, Tenant shall: (i) obtain all <br />permits, licenses, and approvals necessary for the completion of the improvements, alterations, or additions; and (ii) <br />deliver to Landlord: (A) copies of such permits, licenses, and approvals; and (B) evidence reasonably satisfactory to <br />Landlord that Tenant has procured workers' compensation, builder's risk, general liability, and personal and <br />property damage insurance as Landlord reasonably may require. Tenant shall at Tenant's cost and expense: (1) <br />complete the construction of any alterations, improvements or additions in a good and workmanlike mamier, and in <br />compliance with all Laws and all permits, licenses and approvals; and (2) assure that all contractors, subcontractors. <br />laborers, and suppliers performing work or supplying materials are paid in full. <br />(c) Liens. Tenant shall not suffer or cause the filing of any mechanic's or other lien against the <br />Premises or the Building. Tenant shall further not enter into any contract or agreement that provides explicitly or <br />implicitly that a lien may be attached against the Premises, the Building or any improvements If any mechanic's or <br />other lien is filed against the Premises, the Building, or any part thereof for work claimed to have been done for, or <br />materials claimed to have been furnished to. Tenant, other than for the performance of Landlord's Work, then <br />Tenant shall (i) cause such lien to be discharged of record within twenty (20) days after notice of the filing by <br />bonding or as provided or required by law; or (ii) provide evidence satisfactory to Landlord that the lien is being <br />contested by proceedings adequate to prevent foreclosure of the lien, together with indemnity satisfactory to <br />Landlord (in an amount equal to at least one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the claimed lien) to Landlord within <br />thirty (30) days after notice of the filing thereof. All liens suffered or caused by Tenant shall attach to Tenant's <br />interest only. Nothing in this Lease shall be deemed or construed to: (1) constitute consent to, or request of, any <br />party for the performance of any work for, or the furnishing of any materials to, Tenant; or (?) give Tenant the right <br />or authority to contract for, authorize, or pernlit the performance of, any work or the furnishing of any materials that <br />would pernit the attaching of a mechanic's lien to the Premises or the Building or Landlord's interest therein. <br />6.4. Sighs. Tenant shall not affix or maintain upon the exterior of the Premises or make visible from <br />the exterior any sign, advertising placard, name, insignia, trademark, or descriptive material, without the prior <br />written approval of Landlord, which approval shall not be withheld unreasonably. No such materials may be <br />displayed or attached which are against any applicable law or regulation. <br />ARTICLE ~'II. <br />USE. <br />7.1. Use of the Premises. At all time during the Tenn. Tenant shall: <br />(a) Use the Premises ,olely for Tenants Use, as defined in Section 1.1(c), doing business under <br />Tenant s Trade Name. as defined in Section l . l (d). and for no other use or purpose; <br />(b) Operate the business located on the Premises, without interruption, during at least the hours of <br />10:00 a.m. throu~~h 6:00 p.m.. Monday through Saturday. and 12:00 p.m. tlu-ough 6:00 p.m. Sunday, or such other <br />minimum hours upon which Landlord may agree from time to time, provided that such operation may be interrupted <br />for such reasonable periods approved by Landlord, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, as may be <br />necessary to repair. restore. or remodel the Premises. or for purposes of taking inventory; <br />(c) Remain fully t7stured, fully stocked. and fully staffed at all times. <br />