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(b) Statement. Within ninety (90) days after the end of each whole or partial calendar year during the <br />Term, Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a written statement that shows the computation of the actual Center Expenses <br />payable by Tenant with respect to such whole or partial calendar year. If the total of the Center Expenses paid by <br />Tenant for such whole or partial calendar year is more than the actual Center Expenses payable by Tenant with <br />respect to such whole or partial calendar year, dlen Landlord shall credit the excess: first, against any outstanding <br />Rent due from Tenant; and second, against future Center Expenses, to be paid by Tenant; provided that, if there are <br />no future Center Expenses to be paid by Tenant, then Landlord shall refund the excess to Tenant within thirty (30) <br />days. If the total of the Center Expenses paid by Tenant for such whole or partial calendar year is less than the <br />actual amount of the Center Expenses payable by Tenant with respect to such whole or partial calendar year, then <br />Tenant shall pay the amount of such deficiency with the next regular installment of Modified Gross Rent unless the <br />Ternlination Date has occur-ed, in which case Tenant shall pay any deficiency within thirty (30) days after Landlord <br />delivers Landlord's written statement. <br />5.8. Utilities. Tenant shall: (a) promptly pay all charges for sewer, water, gas, electricity, telephone, <br />and other utility services used in, on, at, or from, the Premises (all of which utilities shall be separately metered to <br />the Premises) (the "Utilit Charges"); and (b) deliver to Landlord, upon demand, receipts or other satisfactory <br />evidence of payment of the Utility Charges. <br />ARTICLE VI. <br />ALTERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF AND REPAIRS TO THE PREMISES <br />6.1. Landlord Repairs. Landlord shall, at its expense: (a) keep the foundations and roof of the <br />Premises in good order, repair and condition; and (b) maintain the exterior walls of the Premises in a structurally <br />sound condition, except to the extent that there is damage caused by any act or omission of Tenant or its employees, <br />agents, contractors, invitees or licensees. Landlord shall be responsible for the installation and replacement of all <br />heating, ventilating, and cooling equipment and systems serving the Premises (the "HVAC Systems") provided <br />however that the Landlord may bill the Tenant as Additional Rent if the Landlords consultant determines with <br />reasonable certainty that the need to replace the HVAC Systems was as a result of the Tenant's misuse of it or the <br />Tenant's failure to notify the Landlord of its malfunctioning. The Landlord may enter into a maintenance contract <br />with a reputable company (the "Maintenance Contract ~), pursuant to which Maintenance Contract such company <br />shall institute a regularly scheduled program of preventive maintenance and repair of the HVAC Systems to keep <br />and maintain such items in Qood order, condition, and repair at all times, and any such expenses incurred by the <br />Landlord as a result of such Maintenance Contract or any routine or otherwise insubstantial repairs shall be <br />considered a Common Expense allocable to this Premises only_ unless the HVAC Systems service more than on <br />Tenant. Except as provided in this Section 6.1. Landlord shall not be obligated to make repairs, replacements or <br />improvements of any kind to or for the Premises, or any trade fixtures or equipment contained therein, all of which <br />such repairs. replacements or improvements shall be the responsibility of Tenant. <br />6.2. Tenant Repairs. Except for repairs to be performed by Landlord pursuant to Section 6.1, Tenant <br />shall: (a) keep the Premises clean, neat, and safe. and in good order, repair and condition, including, without <br />limitation. that Tenant shall make all maintenance. repairs. alterations, additions, or replacements to the Premises as <br />may be required by any La«•. or by fire underwriters or under~a~riters' fire prevention engineers; (b) keep all glass in <br />windows, doors, fixture,. skylights. and other locations clean and in good order, repair, and condition, and replace <br />~~lass that may be damaged or broken «~ith glass of the same quality: amd (c) paint and decorate the Premises as <br />necessary or appropriate to comply Keith the terms and conditions of this Section 6.2. The Tenant shall be <br />responsible for notifying the Landlord of any dama~~e to, malfunctioning of, or apparent repairs necessary to be <br />made to the HVAC Systems or to the plumbing, electrical or other systems used by or for the Premises. <br />6.3. Tenant Alterations. <br />(a) Alterations. Tenant, at its sole cost and expense. may install in the Premises such improvements <br />and equipment as Tenant reasonable determines to be necessary or appropriate to conduct its business. Tenant, at its <br />cost and expense. also may make non-structural alterations or improvements to the interior of the Premises if: (i) the <br />cumulative cost of makin~~ such alterations or improvements is less than Tlu-ee Thousand Dollars ($3,000.00); (ii) <br />Tenant delivers to Landlord written notice describing the proposed alteration or improvement with particularity, and <br />