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(d) Conduct the business located on the Premises at all times in a high grade and reputable manner so <br />as to produce the maximum volume of sales and transactions and to help establish and maintain a high reputation for <br />the Building. <br />During the Tenn, Tenant will be considered to "Operate" or be "Operating" in the Premises so long as Tenant is <br />open for business in compliance with this Section 7.1. <br />7.2. Covenant to Open. Tenant covenants that it will open and begin Operating in the Premises by that <br />date which is sixty (60) days after the Delivery Date. <br />73. Compliance with Law. Tenant shall promptly comply with all federal, state and local Laws and <br />ordinances and lawful orders and regulations affecting the Premises, and the health, cleanliness, safety, construction, <br />occupancy and use of same, in effect from time to time. Tenant shall promptly and fully comply with all federal, <br />state and local Laws and ordinances in effect from time to time prohibiting discrimination or segregation by reason <br />of race, color, religion, disability, gender or national origin or otherwise. <br />7.4. Operation by Tenant. Tenant covenants and agrees that it: will not place or maintain any <br />merchandise or vending machines outside the building on the Premises; will store garbage, trash, rubbish and other <br />refuse in rat-proof and insect-proof containers with adequate screening to hide such garbage, trash, rubbish and <br />refuse from view on the Premises and the Shopping Cener, and will remove the same frequently and regularly, all at <br />Tenant's cost; will not permit any sound system to be audible or objectionable advertising medium to be visible <br />outside the Premises; will not commit or permit waste or a nuisance upon the Premises; will not permit or cause <br />objectionable odors to emanate or be dispelled from the Premises; will not distribute advertising matter to, in or <br />upon any portion of the Building; will not permit the loading or unloading or the parking or standing of delivery <br />vehicles outside any area designated therefor, nor permit any use of vehicles which will interfere with the use of any <br />portion of the Building; will not use the any portion of the Building for promotional activities, to include without <br />limitation rides, carlival type shows, entertainment. outdoor shows, automobile or other product shows; will comply <br />with all Laws, recommendations, ordinances, rules and regulations of governmental, public, private and other <br />authorities and agencies, including those with authority over insurance rates, with respect to the use or occupancy of <br />the Premises, and including, but not limited to, the Occupational Safety and Health Act ("OSHA") and the <br />Americans With Disabilities Act ("ADA"), as the same may be amended from time to time. Tenant covenants and <br />agrees that it will not serve liquor or any other alcoholic beverages in or from the Premises unless Tenant first <br />obtains the written consent of Landlord, ~~~hich may be granted or withheld in Landlord's sole and absolute <br />discretion. <br />7.5. Storage. Tenant shall store in the building on the Premises only merchandise and products which <br />Tenant intends to sell at, in. or from the Premises within a reasonable time after receipt thereof. <br />7.6. Sales and Use. Tenant shall not permit, allow, or cause to be conducted in the Premises: (a) a <br />public or private auction_ or (b) a sale that ~~ould indicate to the public that Tenant (i) is bankrupt, (ii) is going out of <br />business. or (iii) has lost or is preparing to terminate its possession of the Premises. The Premises shall not be used <br />except in a manner consistent with the general high standards of the neighborhood, and shall mot be used in a <br />disreputable or immoral manner or in violation of federal. state or local Laws or ordinances. Tenant shall not <br />operate the Premises either in ~~-hole or in part as a clearance, outlet. off-price. or discount store, provided that <br />nothin~~ in this Section 7.6 is intended to affect Tenants pricing policies. <br />7.7. Emissions and Hazardous Materials. <br />(a) Emissions. Tenant shall not, without the prior written consent of Landlord: <br />i. make. or permit to be made, any use of the Premises or any portion thereof which emits, or <br />pernits the emission of, an unreasonable amount of dust, sweepings, dirt, cinders, fumes or odors into the <br />atmosphere. the ground or any body of water. «~hether natural or artificial (including without limitation rivers, <br />streams, lakes, ponds, dams. canals, sanitary or store sewers, or flood control channels), which is in violation of <br />any Laws; <br />