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area. The location of the Task Force office has not yet been selected, but somewhere <br />within the Weed & Seed area has been suggested as a logical location. The primary <br />focus of this task force is on gang and gun crimes. The Weed & Seed area is situated in <br />one of the areas of South Bend that is most plagued with gangs and graffiti. The money <br />committed to this project would be for off cers not normally assigned to this task force, <br />but they will pursue undercover drug buys, assist in tracking of gang activities, test firing <br />of guns used in crimes or recovered, truancy and curfew violations. <br />Travel ($6,000) <br />1) A request of $6,000 will cover the costs to travel to Weed and Seed conferences and <br />meetings. The estimate of each EOWS trip was approximately $1,000 per trip with 3 <br />people in attendance for 2 trips. Travel site needs to be approved by SOWS. <br />Supplies ($15,557) <br />1) A request of $3,500 will cover the costs of newsletter publication and other <br />promotional items. Costs are based on quarterly newsletter @ 1500/qtr x 4 x .25/per = <br />$1,500. A request of $2,000 will cover the costs of promotional materials such as pens, <br />pencils, bookmazks, cups and other materials. Costs figured at 8000 pieces x .50 average <br />cost per item x 50% = $2,000. Remaining 50% costs to be Leveraged by local business <br />sponsors. <br />2) A request of $3,000 will cover costs of supplies to accommodate programming at the <br />Safe Havens. Costs are based on the following: 100 reams of paper X $5.00, 10 printer <br />cartridges x $40, 2 laser jet toner cartridges x $150, miscellaneous supplies including, <br />cdr/dvd disks, crayons, craft supplies, pens, pencils etc @ $400. Also, a field trip for 20 <br />students to the National Underground Freedom Center as part of Black History course for <br />High School Youth at Safe Haven Summer program. This course will teach the youth <br />about Black History and ties in the Underground Railroad as part of the course. The <br />Museum trip will highlight what is learned in the course and provide a deeper <br />understanding for the youth. Costs figured at $1000 bus rental, $12 admission x 20 <br />people and $8 per lunch x 20 = $160. <br />3) A request of $450 will cover costs of electric, gas and water utilities at West Side <br />Neighborhood Partnership Center to accommodate extending their hours of operation 3 <br />hours a day. FY 2005 WSNPC budget $3,000 x 15% increase = $450. <br />4) A request of $5,473 will cover the costs of supplies for the Anti-Gang Academy at <br />Safe Haven such as; binders, notepads, pens, pencils, learning books, <br />diplomas/certificates and field trip. Costs are based on 150 binders @ $3.00, 200 <br />notepads @ $1.50, 288 pens @ .88, 288 pencils @ .16, 150 printed material for books @ <br />$15.00 and 25 certificates/diplomas for graduation @ $3.00. Field trip costs are figured <br />at $63 x 25 admission to Symphony, 25 x $5 admission to museum, and $200 x 2 trips for <br />transportation. Field trips are to the South Bend Museum of Art, and the South Bend <br />Symphony as part of the Anti-Gang Academy cultural arts program in Safe Haven <br />