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BUDGET NARRATIVE <br />Personnel ($68,000) <br />1) A request of $11,050 will cover the overtime of Officers in the NEST effort within the <br />target area. Additionally it will cover the Regional Coordinating Officer with oversight <br />of the target area. Cost figured at $34.00 per hour @ 325 hours. No one officer will be <br />paid more than $11,939 in one year from Weed & Seed overtime. The job description of <br />NEST officer is: The Neighborhood Enforcement Service Team (NEST) unit is a team of <br />nine (9) officers best described as a "Tactical Squad". The NEST members are assigned <br />various neighborhood problems; whether it is clamping down on open-air drug vendors, <br />assisting probation officers on spot check of clients or staking out an area being hit by <br />burglars. The NEST unit has the ability to use new and innovative tactics and methods to <br />target criminals within a particular neighborhood of South Bend. They have the capacity <br />of being in a standard police uniform and marked police cars one day and plain clothes <br />and cars on a sting operation the next. They are a highly mobile and versatile unit <br />capable of addressing many of the diverse problems that might be plaguing the Weed & <br />Seed area. ' <br />2) A request of $37,400 will cover the overtime of Uniform Officers working <br />approximately 1100 hours @ $34.00lhr within the target area. No one officer will be <br />paid more than $11,939 in one year from Weed & Seed overtime. The job description of <br />Uniform Officers is: The Uniform Officers do a vast number of tasks within the Weed & <br />Seed area. Many of the officers that work the overtime shift also patrol the Weed & Seed <br />area as their normal job. The overtime patrols allow them to become proactive in their <br />approach as they are not tasked with answering routine calls. Overtime uniform patrols <br />concentrate on an area identified as a problem and stay in that area as long as needed. <br />They do surveillance on suspected problem houses to determine whether or not the <br />complaint is substantiated. They are highly visible to the residents as they are in full <br />police uniform and vehicles. The officers will continue their community policing <br />activities through bike and foot patrols. Each bike patrol officer is assigned a specific <br />neighborhood and works with the vehicle and foot patrols to control crime. The foot <br />patrols in conjunction with the bike patrols allow for police and resident interaction. <br />They take time to speak with residents face to face and take active roles in neighborhood <br />meetings to listen to resident concerns of crime in the area. Typically, the same officers <br />are assigned the same beats to form a continued relationship with the residents. <br />3) A request of $19,550 will cover the cost of additional officers to assist in the Anti- <br />Gang initiative @ 575 hours @ $34.00/hour. No one officer will be paid more than <br />$11,939 in one year from Weed & Seed overtime. Starting April 1, 2004, the South Bend <br />Police Department has committed two (2) South Bend Police officers who specialize in <br />gang identification to a Gun and Gang Task Force comprised, also of three (3) officers <br />from the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Bureau and a special prosecutor from the St. <br />Joseph Count Prosecutors office. This Task Force will be directly involved in the <br />tracking of all gun and violent crimes within the city with a focus on the Weed & Seed <br />