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Capital assets <br />being depreciated: <br />Building <br />Improvements other than <br />buildings <br />Machinery & equipment <br />Roads <br />Totals <br />Less accumulated <br />depreciation for: <br />Buildings <br />Improvements other than <br />buildings <br />Machinery & equipment <br />Roads <br />Totals <br />Total capital assets, being <br />depreciated, net <br />Total activity capital <br />assets, net <br />City of South Bend's Capital Assets (Continued) <br />Governmental Business-type <br />Activities Activities Total <br />2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 <br />102,625,262 102,679,770 92,513,376 92,509,056 195,138,638 195,188,826 <br />8,713,737 9,450,060 <br />37,623,047 38,555,497 <br />360,945,625 366,085,762 <br />509,907,671 516,771,089 <br />22,006,922 23,268,734 <br />4,489,950 <br />18,890,331 <br />190,339,299 <br />235,726,502 <br />88,019,697 91,700,161 96,733,434 101,150,221 <br />43,446,609 44,026,474 81,069,656 82,581,971 <br />0 0 360,945,625 366,085,762 <br />223,979,682 228,235,691 733,887,353 745,006,780 <br />30,768,132 32,983,954 52,775,054 56,252,688 <br />4,852,946 19,158,662 20,749,345 23,648,612 25,602,291 <br />21,283,375 28,018,301 29,693,886 46,908,632 50,977,261 <br />199,415,476 0 0 190,339,299 199,415,476 <br />248,820,531 77,945,095 83,427,185 313,671,597 332,247,716 <br />274,181,169 267,950,558 146,034,587 144,808,506 420,215,756 412,759,064 <br />$291,960,293 $281,074,888 $152,993,751 $160,195,768 $444,954,044 $441,270,656 <br />Duringg 2006, the City Implemented GASB Statement No. 34 for retroactive reporting of infrastructure <br />capitaI.assets. The above cost and accumulated depreciation for Roads in 2005 and 2006 have been adjusted <br />accordingly. <br />Debt Administration. At December 31, 2006, the City had a number of debt issues outstanding. <br />The following is a summary of outstanding debt transactions during 2006: <br /> Beginning Ending <br />Type Balance Additions Reductions Balance <br />General Obligation $320,000 -0 $320,000 -0- <br />Revenue Bonds 120,215,000 22,220,000 15,645,000 126,790,000 <br />Mortgage Bonds 30,010,037 -0-- 1,700,598 28,309,439 <br />Notes/Loans 30,291,729 3,262,691 2,537,435 31,016,985 <br />Capital Leases 5,164,660 1,127,036 1,234,915 5,056,781 <br />Total 186 $26,609.727 21,4 $191,173.205 <br />During 2006, the City issued revenue bonds for improvements at the Wastewater Utility <br />($7,630,000) and Water Utility ($4,710,000). The new capital lease of $1,127,036 dunng,2006 <br />was used for the purchase of police patrol and other vehicles. During 2006, the City also Issued <br />Economic Development Income Tax refunding bonds for $7,440,000 at the Leighton Parking <br />30 <br />