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General Fund Bud~?etarv Hiehli~hts <br />The City adopts an annual appropriated budget for its General Fund. The City prepares its budggets <br />using the cash basis of accounting. For 2006, the original expenditure budget was,$71,549,331. <br />Duringg the year, budget adjustments of $6,566,641 were made, resulting in an ending General Fund <br />expenditure.budget of $78,115,972. 'The General Fund budget is reviewed on a monthly basis by <br />staff and adjustments are approved as needed by the Common Council. Throughout the yeaz, actual <br />expenditures are monitored and projected and the budget is amended to prevent any budget <br />overruns. The City tries to work within its original budget by increasing categories that will <br />exceed the budget while decreasin other categories that aze under budget. Actual General Fund <br />expenditures on a cash basis were 75,165,815 during 2006, which was $2,950,157 (3.8%) under <br />the amended budget. <br />General Fund revenue was originally budgeted at $65,550,889 for 2006. During the year, the <br />revenue budget projection was reduced to $65,485,484. Actual General Fund revenues were <br />$67,381,869 for 2006 and exceeded the amended revenue budget by $1,896,385, or 2.9%. The <br />ma or reason for the higher revenue was that interest earnings were budgeted conservatively at <br />$30,000 for 2006 while actual interest earnings were $1,525,832. Tatung this difference into <br />account, the revenue projections for the General Fund were very accurate, only $670,553 (1%) less <br />than budgeted. All cities have limited resources and, thus, limited numbers of programs and <br />services that can be provided.. The City of South Bend is proud to say that it has done well m terms <br />of maintaining a solid, financtally sound organization by spending within its means. <br />Canital Asset and Debt Administration <br />Capital assets. The City's investment in capital assets for its governmental and business type <br />acttvrttes was $441,270,656 (net accumulated depreciation) at December 31, 2006. This. <br />investment in capital assets includes land, buildings, roads, improvements, service lines, <br />automobiles and equipment, and street lights. A detailed explanation of these capital assets can <br />be found in the Notes to the Basic Financial Statement. <br />Major capital asset additions during the current fiscal year include the following: <br />- Major road renovation at $1.63 million. <br />- 37 new or replacement vehicles at a cost of $1.1 million. <br />-Paving Program at $1.84 million <br />- Riverside bikeway/walkway project - $510 thousand <br />- Began construction of Fire Station No. 2 - $656 thousand expended in 2006. Total project <br />cost - $2.6 million. <br />- Raw sewage pump replacement and drive on scales - $183 thousand. <br />City of South Bend's Capital Assets <br />Capital assets <br />not being depreciated: <br />Land <br />Construction in Progress <br />Total capital assets <br />not being depreciated <br />Governmental <br />Activities <br />2005 2006 <br />$11,564,931 $11,539,931 <br />6,214,193 1,584,399 <br />17,779,124 13,124,330 <br />Business-type <br />Activities Total <br />2005 2006 2005 2006 <br />$3,020,575 $3,020,575 $14,585,506 $14,560,506 <br />3,938,589 12,366,687 10,152,782 13,951,086 <br />6,959,164 15,387,262 24,738,288 28,511,592 <br />29 <br />