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Garage and $3,222,000 in Section 108 Housing and Urban Development notes for economic <br />development projects. The General Obligation bond that was retired during 2006 was used for <br />improvements in the Studebaker Corridor near downtown. The City's debt increased by a net of <br />$5,2 million dollazs during 2006. <br />Under the Indiana Constitution and State statute, the Cry's eneral obligation bonded debt <br />issuances aze subject to a legal limitation based upon 2°l0 ot~total assessed value of real and <br />personal property.. Since Indiana's assessment statutes call for an assessed valuation of one-third of <br />cost less depreciation, its general obligation debt limitation is one of the most conservative in the <br />United States. The City had no general obligation bonded debt outstanding at December 31, 2006. <br />A detailed listing of this debt can be found in the Notes to the Basic Financial <br />Statements. A calculation of the City's legal debt limitation can be found in the <br />statistical section of this document. <br />Economic Factors and Next Year's Budgets <br />As noted eazlier, roperty taxes are the City's lazgest source of revenue. Under current <br />legislation all Indpiana cities assessed values are based on market values. Under this <br />method some properties are still being re-assessed to reflect the changes in values. This <br />process as we as the overwhelming amount of appeals is still affecting the amount of <br />property taxes,received by the City. Due to these current changes, the percentage <br />increase the City is anticipating m 2007 will be less than in previous years. In addition, <br />the State of Indiana General Assembly has enacted property tax legislation to limit <br />property taxes paid to 2% of gross assessed value for residential properties and 3% of <br />dross assessed value for business pproperties. The impact,of this legislation (known as <br />circuit breaker" legislation) will be significant for the City of South Bend beginning <br />in fiscal year 2010. <br />The City enacted new water and sewer rates during 2006 These rates will continue to be revised <br />to assure that the municipal water and sewer system has sufficient revenue to cover operating, <br />capital and debt service funding requirements. <br />Many major capital pro ects aze slated for construction in 2007, including southside retail <br />development, water an~ sewer infrastructure upgrades and the continuation of maj or road <br />enhancements. The City is also lookingg forward to the private development of the Hall of Fame <br />Gameday Center, a 189-unit hotel/condominium/pazking garage project to be located in the <br />heart of the City's downtown. In addition, the City is providing certain infrastructure support <br />for the exciting Innovation Pazk a mixed-use residential and research development located neaz <br />the campus of the University of Notre Dame. <br />During 2006, the City received $12.8 million dollars from the State of Indiana for the City's <br />shaze of the proceeds from the State's lease of the Indiana Toll Road to a private corporation. <br />Although controversial, all municipalities in Indiana have benefited financially from this <br />transaction. The City has deposited the proceeds into a sepazate capital project fund (Major <br />Moves Cappital Pro ect) and has elected to use only the interest earned for current capital <br />projects. During 206, the Major Moves fund earned $179,049 in interest. <br />Requests for Information <br />This financial report is designed to provide a general overview of the City of South Bend's <br />finances for all those who are interested. Questions concerning any of the information provided <br />in this report or a request for additional financial information should be addressed to: <br />M. Catherine Fanello, City Controller <br />City of South Bend <br />Department of Administration abnd Finance <br />227 W. Jefferson Boulevard, l4` Floor <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />31 <br />