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Business-true Activities <br />Business-type activities had an increase in net assets of $5.8 million dollars during 2006. <br />The majority of the increase is due to higher charges for services in the Wastewater and <br />the Water Works departments through hi er utility charges to customers. This increased <br />revenue will finance along-term capital development plan at the Wastewater and Water <br />Works utilities. Total expenses at the Wastewater and Water Works utilities were lower <br />during 2006 than in 2005. <br />Financial Analysis of the gGove~r~nments' Funds ~ ~ fan <br />d vi~~e~~nto 1~~ ~ateg~nela g~ le~ngien~ufun~f s,np op oe}taryundsn~anc~~fiduc ~ary Tund~ete <br />Governmental funds. The purpose of the City's governmental funds is to provide <br />information on short-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such <br />information is useful in assessing the City's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved <br />fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for <br />spending at the end of the fiscal year. <br />At the end of 2006, the City's governmental funds reported a combined ending fund balance <br />of $139,890,912. Of this amount, $101;476,539, or 72.5%, was in unreserved fund balance, <br />which is available for the City s discretion. The majority of this unreserved fund <br />balance is for major capital pro ects that have been designated by the Common Council. The <br />remainder of the fund balance (~$38,414,373).is reserved and is not available for new spending <br />because it has already been dedicated for various commitments. <br />The General Fund is the City's chief operating fund. At the end of 2006, the total General <br />Fund balance was $25,851,295, a decrease ofg$2,892,899, or 10.1%, from 2005. This use of <br />General Fund balance was planned for in the 2006 budget. The unreserved fund balance of the <br />General Fund was $21,688 442 at December 31, 2006. Unreserved General Fund balance is <br />approximately 31% of total General Fund expenditures at December 31, 2006. <br />The Parks and Recreation Fund had an increase in fund balance of $493,495 during 2006. The <br />reason for this increase is that revenue (~nmarily due to roperty taxes and user charges) . . <br />exceeded expenditures during the year. ~'I'he ending fundpbalance in the Parks and Recreation <br />Fund was $2,136,982 at December 31, 2006.Of this amount,. $2,075,034 is unreserved fund <br />balance. <br />The TIF Airport and County Option Income Tax (COIT)) funds are used to account for major <br />capital construction protects. The fund balance in the T'IF Airport Fund increased by <br />$5,843,279 during 2006, while the fund balance in the COIT fund decreased by $573,737 <br />durin 2006. At December 31, 2006, the fund balances in the TIF Airport and COIT funds <br />were 24,185,065 and $8,625,221, respectively. These fund balances represent resources that <br />City has to meet some of its future capital construction needs. <br />Individual fund data for each of the non-ma or governmental funds is provided in the form of the <br />combining statements in the Supplemental ~nfonnation portion. <br />Proprietary funds. Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business- <br />type activities in the government-wide financial statements. Internal service funds are used to <br />account for services provided to other City departments and funds on acost-reimbursement basis. <br />The City maintains seven enterprise funds and three internal service funds. The basic proprietary <br />fund financial statements can be found later in this report. <br />Fiduciary funds. Fiduciary funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties <br />outside the government. The City has four fiduciary funds. The basic fiduciary funds financial <br />statements can be found later in this report. <br />28 <br />