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Other taxes 10,510,375 11,760,161 0 0 10,510,375 11,760,161 <br />Grants and contributions not <br />0 <br />0 <br />restricted to specific programs 5,160,298 5,063,541 5,160,298 5,063,541 <br />Investment Earnings 3,543,469 4,762,484 745,966 906,056 4,289,435 5,668,540 <br />Other Revenue 10,790.170 3.520.138 1.990.515 0 12.780.685 3 52• 0.138 <br />Total Revenue 131,935,671 137,171,827 41,263,716 46,499,204 173,199,387 183,671,031 <br />Exaenses• <br />General government 15,033,018 17,194,920 0 0 15,033,018 17,194,920 <br />Public safety 72,450,941 56,600,175 0 0 72,450,941 56,600,175 <br />Highways and streets 9,010,971 21,813,189 0 0 9,010,971 21,813,189 <br />Health and welfare 75,352 114,131 0 0 75,352 114,131 <br />Culture and recreation 8,840,970 14,994,300 0 0 8,840,970 14,994,300 <br />Economic Development 22,436,802 18,813,636 0 0 22,436,802 18,813,636 <br />Interest on long-term debt 5,943,021 5,841,032 0 0 5,943,021 5,841,032 <br />Water 0 0 12,447,141 11,916,504 12,447,141 21,916,504 <br />Wastewater 0 0 18,452,785 16,972,401 18,452,785 16,972,401 <br />Civic center 0 0 3,478,359 3,355,531 3,478,3S9 3,355,531 <br />Building department 0 0 1,047,007 1,102,164. 1,047,007 1,102,164 <br />Parking 0 0 1,165,502 1,261,942 1,165,502 1,261,942 <br />Solid waste 0 0 4,920,464 4,187,706 4,920,464 4,187,706 <br />Golf course 0 0 1.736.939 1,811,757 1 73. 6.939 1.811.757 <br />Total expenses 133,791,075 135,371,383 43,248,197 40,608,005 177,039,272 175,979,388 <br />Changes in net assets before <br />Transfers (1,855,404) 1,800,444 (1,984,481) 5,891,199 (3,839,885) 7,691,643 <br />Transfers 33,589 44,200 (33,589) (44,200) 0 0 <br />Change in net assets (1,821,815) 1,844,644 (2,018,070) 5,846,999 (3,839,885) 7,691,643 <br />Beginning net assets (restated) 238,612.426 236.790.611 123.546.314 121.528.244 362,158.740 358.318.855 <br />Ending net assets $236,790,611 $238,635,255 $121,528,244 $127,375,243 $358,318,855 $366,010,498 <br />Governmental Activities <br />Governmental activities net assets increased by $1.84 million dollars during 2006. Total <br />revenue increased by $5.2 million dollars, an increase of 4.0%. Expenses Increased by <br />$1.58 million dollars, an increase of only 1.2%., The majoritX of the revenue increase Is <br />due higher charges for services and reclassifications of certain other revenue line items to <br />the charges for services category. The increases in expenses are due primarily to higher <br />health insurance costs which are charged to each activlty using an Internal Servlce-Fund. <br />27 <br />