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City of South Bend <br />Net Assets <br />Table 1 (Continued) <br /> Governmental Business-Type <br /> Activities Activities Total <br /> 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 <br />Net assets: <br />Invested in capital <br />assets, net of related <br />debt 203,694,695 208,509,577 94,833,960 97,670,533 298,528,655 306,180,110 <br />Restricted 6,138,257 5,225,642 17,942,700 22,535,858 24,080,957 27,761,500 <br />Unrestricted 26,957,659 24,900,036 8,751,584 7,168,852 35,709,243 32,068,888 <br />Total net assets $236,790,611 $238,635,255 $121,528,244 $127,375,243 $358,318,855 $366,010,498 <br />At the end of the current fiscal year the City is able to report positive balances in all three <br />categories of net assets, both for the government as a whole, as well as for its separate <br />governmental and business-type activities. <br />The net assets for government activities increased by $1,844,644 from $236,790,611 in <br />2005 to $238,635,255 in 2006. This increase is due, m part, to revenue exceeding expenses <br />for the TIF Airport pro ram during 2006. The net assets for the business-type net assets <br />activities increased by 5,846,999 from $121,528,244 in 2005 to $127,375,_243 in 2006. <br />This increase is due to an increase in water and sewer rates during 2006. <br />City of South Bend <br />Change in Net Assets <br />Table 2 <br /> Governmental Business-type <br /> Activities Activities Total <br /> 2005 2006 2005 2006 2005 2006 <br />Revenue: <br />Program Revenue: <br />Charges for services $6,823,577 $17,563,075 $35,764,874 $44,179,287 $42,588,451 $61,742,362 <br />Operating grants and <br />Contributions 12,916,362 12,452,463 1,282,780 0 14,199,142 12,452,463 <br />Capital grants and <br />Contributions 9,447,723 13,793,363. 1,479,581 1,413,861 10,927,304 15,207,224 <br />General Revenue: <br />Property taxes 72,743,697 68,256,602 0 0 72,743,697 68,256,602 <br />26 <br />