REGULAR MEETING January 8, 2018
<br /> Councilmembers, adding that her comments in remembrance of Mrs. Crone are echoed by
<br /> Councilmember Broden's husband.
<br /> Terry Crone, 418 Shoemaker Drive, Carmel, IN, thanked the Council for the resolution on behalf
<br /> of the Crone family. Mr. Crone stated, It's very gratifying to see people remember Mom and
<br /> respect the work that she did. Things were a lot different back in 1979. She had a full career,
<br /> raised her kids before she decided to try to get into public service, and,back in those days, not
<br /> only were there a lot fewer women and it was a lot more difficult path for women than it is today,
<br /> but you did things differently. She and Dad and I would sit down at the kitchen table to have
<br /> what we used to call a"kitchen table campaign"back then, because you didn't have a lot of
<br /> money. One (1) of the things you did back then was—particularly when you were a newcomer—
<br /> to try to come up with a slogan that people would associate with you and differentiate you from
<br /> the others. Mom's slogan that she came up with at that time, which we used through all thirteen
<br /> (13) of those elections was: "The key to good government is participation."Anybody who knew
<br /> my mom knew that she didn't say anything that she didn't mean and believe. So, I'm very proud
<br /> of the fact that she decided to participate in our government and believed that government
<br /> requires people to be active and participate in order to operate properly, and that means you have
<br /> to work hard. I believe that many of the things that she did, and the respect that's been expressed
<br /> through this process, is a result of the fact that she was more interested in getting things done
<br /> than she was interested in taking credit. She didn't care whose idea it was. She worked with
<br /> people on both sides of the political spectrum, and tried never to make a permanent enemy and
<br /> understood that politics is a game of inclusion not exclusion.And, while we may not agree today,
<br /> if you treat people with dignity and respect, you may be able to work with them tomorrow to
<br /> accomplish something else.
<br /> Councilmember Gavin Ferlic stated, Condolences to the family, and, obviously, she leaves
<br /> behind a great legacy. I spoke with Dr. Varner on an unrelated matter, in between Committee and
<br /> Council, and he also wanted to share his condolences and say what a pleasure it was to know
<br /> your mom. Thank you.
<br /> Councilmember John Voorde stated,There are so many things to say, but I think we should
<br /> acknowledge her fourth son who lost,really, another mom when Bev passed—and that's Butch
<br /> Morgan, who she helped raised and was really the fourth of you guys. I met Bev during that
<br /> primary campaign in 1979. I gravitated toward Bev as we made our stops. In those days, it was
<br /> the political clubs—things that no longer exist—and campaigning in those days, too, required
<br /> factor gates and things like that. But I gravitated toward Bev to the point where Phil, her
<br /> husband, would come tug on my arm or Beverly's arm and say, "You got to talk to other people,
<br /> you can't just talk to him all night." I don't know if people remember, but when that primary
<br /> election day was over and the votes were counted, Bev lost. Bev came in fourth in that three (3)
<br /> way race for At-Large, and I was sick about it because, of course, I wanted to win and I was one
<br /> (1) of the three (3). But,the next morning, after the County Election Board counted all of the
<br /> votes, Bev was declared winner, and there was nobody happier, I think—other than her family—
<br /> than me, because...I'm sure going to miss her.
<br /> Councilmember Tim Scott stated, I did not have the opportunity to know Bev. I love that saying,
<br /> "The key to good government is participation," and I've taken that from her now, so I appreciate
<br /> that. My condolences.
<br /> Councilmember Randy Kelly stated, I am also terribly sorry for your loss.A remarkably
<br /> distinguished career, and I want to echo the fact that she was also such a trailblazer. I am, again,
<br /> terribly sorry for the loss but thrilled with what she brought to our community, which we
<br /> continue to enjoy to this day.
<br /> This being the time heretofore set for the Public Hearing on the above bill, proponents and
<br /> opponents were given an opportunity to be heard.
<br /> Those from the public wishing to speak in favor of this bill:
<br /> Beverlie Beck, 1630 Randolph Street, South Bend, IN, stated that she went to school with Ms.
<br /> Crone before the two (2) of them served together as the first two (2) women on the City Council.
<br /> She stated that though they did not vote alike every time, they both voted with the City's interests
<br /> in mind and convened to give each other updates on their respective families. Ms. Beck stated,
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