REGULAR MEETING January 8, 2018
<br /> elective office as a member of the South Bend Common Council in 1979; and, Whereas, Beverly
<br /> was successful in her bid and was elected a Councilmember-at-Large and reelected in 1983; and
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, Whereas, Beverly chose to leave the Common Council after
<br /> two terms to fill a vacancy in the St. Joseph County Auditor's office; and, Whereas, Beverly
<br /> became the first woman to serve as the St. Joseph County Auditor, a position for which she was
<br /> elected for two terms and held for ten years; and, Whereas, Beverly chose to leave the St. Joseph
<br /> County Auditor's office to run for a position as a St. Joseph County Commissioner; and
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden, stated,Whereas, Beverly was again successful in her bid and,
<br /> along with Cindy Bodle, became the first woman to serve as a St. Joseph County Commissioner;
<br /> and, Whereas, Beverly served two terms as a County Commissioner, including a term as the first
<br /> woman President; and, Whereas, Beverly's dedication to public service is demonstrated by the
<br /> thirteen elections in which she ran, all successfully; and, Whereas, Beverly received many
<br /> awards during her lifetime including the Sagamore of the Wabash award from the Governor of
<br /> Indiana; the Women's Fest Lifetime Achievement Award; the Ideal Baldoni Distinguished
<br /> Achievement Award; together with the keys to the Cities of South Bend and Mishawaka as well
<br /> as St. Joseph County; and, Whereas, the many physical manifestations of Beverly's public
<br /> service include the Beverly D. Crone Park; the Thomas N. Frederick Juvenile Justice Center; the
<br /> Mishawaka AM General Plant; the UN Tek facility; the restored 1855 St. Joseph County
<br /> Courthouse; and
<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, Whereas,Beverly's legacy will continue not
<br /> only through her good works in the local community, but also through the lives of her children,
<br /> grandchildren, great-grandchildren and all others who love and admire her. Now, Therefore, be it
<br /> resolved, by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: Section One
<br /> (1). The South Bend Common Council proudly commemorates and celebrates the life and
<br /> achievements of one of the community's great citizens, Beverly D. Crone. Section Two (2). The
<br /> Common Council offers Beverly's family and friends its most sincere condolences on Beverly's
<br /> recent passing on December 31, 2017 after a lifetime of public service. Section Three (3). This
<br /> Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the Common Council
<br /> and approval by the Mayor.
<br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis stated, It is truly an honor to serve with my colleagues as we take
<br /> the time to honor a distinguished woman.All throughout this whole City and throughout this
<br /> whole community, we can see that her life and her legacy is speaking for her—and it continues to
<br /> speak for her in the life of her sons and their families.
<br /> Councilmember Karen White stated, It has indeed been an honor to be a part of this resolution on
<br /> behalf of such a wonderful, outstanding lady. Her legacy does speak for itself. She's a woman of
<br /> honor. She's very honest—she'll tell you like it is. She's a hard worker, and she's committed not
<br /> only to excellence but she's committed to this community, and we have been the beneficiaries of
<br /> her great work.
<br /> Councilmember Regina Williams-Preston stated, Being new to public service, being a woman,
<br /> and have the opportunity to serve in some of the same capacity that she has, I really look forward
<br /> to learning more about Mrs. Crone from my colleagues—people who served with her. It's an
<br /> honor to be a part of this resolution,to just be able to recognize someone who's really forged a
<br /> pathway for women in public office here in our community.
<br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden stated, I'm so proud to be a member of this Council that is taking
<br /> tonight especially to recognize Bev's tremendous contribution to our city,to our county, and
<br /> really to our state. In terms of her public service—not only just bringing an amazing skillset, but
<br /> also just the fabulous disposition of really understanding issues, attentiveness to the public, and
<br /> the true service. I know that comes from her life of faith and I also know that it's enabled by a
<br /> family that shared her so generously. I would be remiss not to thank you, gentlemen, and the
<br /> larger family at whole, because when someone serves with her length, breadth, and depth, it
<br /> really is a family commitment and a family project. She is,was, and always will be a trailblazer
<br /> for Councilmembers—regardless of whether female or male—and public servants in general.
<br /> Very, very tough shoes to fill, I think, for anybody who has followed after her. Councilmember
<br /> Broden offered her condolences to Mrs. Crone's family and thanked them and her fellow
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