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D. -1. Has a housing referral service been established? <br /> Yes [R No D <br /> If the answer is "No", what means will be used to bring together managers and owners of pro- <br /> perties being offered for sale or rent and families needing relocation housing? <br /> The Redevelopment Department's Relocation Office maintains a current <br /> listing of standard rental and sales housing. Other local agencies such <br /> as the Sub-Standard Department, Division of the Building Department, and <br /> social and welfare agencies, refer families to the Relocation Office for <br /> help in finding standard relocation housing. <br /> 2. What specific actions have been taken or are proposed by those responsible for seeing that addi- <br /> tional housing is provided to meet any relocation deficit that may be shown in the last column of <br /> the preceding table, such as securing the active participation of local builders and lenders to <br /> build or rehabilitate housing for families of moderate or low income, including units for the <br /> elderly, minority group and large families; to use the special Federal financing aids, where <br /> needed; to make sites available at reasonable prices; and to eliminate discriminatory practices <br /> that limit the housing opportunities of minority families? <br /> Although no deficit was shown it is of interest to note that 150 units of <br /> rent supplement housing (221-d(3) has been reserved for a local non-pro- <br /> fit organization. The Housing Authority has also entered into the Leased <br /> Housing Program, and is in the process of leasing 75 homes. The non- <br /> profit organization which is building under the 221-d(3) program has al- <br /> so made application for dwellings under the 221-h program. ` <br /> NOTE: On request, the Regional Office, Department of Housing and Urban Development, will pro- <br /> vide to those responsible for determining relocation housing needs and for planning to meet <br /> such needs information concerning the data required and how it should be assembled and pre- <br /> sented. <br /> Supplementary Material Required. Submit one copy of any reports or plans that have been prepared <br /> relating to housing needs and resources and to the relocation of displaced families. <br /> H <br /> 22 <br /> f <br /> i <br /> I <br />