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OBJ ECTIVE: Com,munitywide participation on the part of individuals and representative citizens' <br /> organizations which will provide, both in the community generally and in selected areas, the under- <br /> standing acid support necessary to accomplish community ,goals. <br /> A. Name and title of the official responsible for assuring citizen participation in all Workable Pro- <br /> gram activities. Mayor Lloyd M. Allen and Vernon E. Sutton, Administrative <br /> Assistant to the Mayor. <br /> B. Give the dates on which citizens advisory committee meetings have been held during the past year. <br /> March 19, 1968 <br /> Six SubCommittee Meetings - dates varied. <br /> C. List any changes in the membership of the citizens advisory committee since the last submission <br /> and, for any new members, show their business, professional, civic, and other affiliations. Identify <br /> those new members who represent the principal minority groups and organizations. (If not shown <br /> in previous submissions, list all members and their affiliations). <br /> Janet S . Allen Common Council Member Sam Winston, Negro, United Com- <br /> Councelman at Large muntiy Services <br /> William D'Antonio, Notre Dame Hsg. Study Richard Bonewitz , Attorney, Human <br /> Richard Pfeil, Park Commissioner Relations Commission <br /> Fred Maione, South Bend Range Richard Geib, Ex . Com. Coun. Mem- <br /> Jerry Hickey, Construction Industry ber & Chair. Mayor's <br /> Mort Linder, Public Relations Advisory Committee <br /> Charles Roemer, Attorney Rev. Marcus Engdahl, Countil of <br /> O'Dell Newburn, Negro, Linden School PTA Churches <br /> President, Local SUAW J. Chester Allen, Sr. , Negro, At- <br /> Martha Erickson, Housewife, Nutrition Con- torney, Board Member <br /> sultant, Headstart & Tit- School Board -S.B. Com- <br /> le I muntiy Schl. Corp. <br /> D. List the specific activities undertaken by the citizens advisory committee during tWr VY'YAR in- <br /> cluding studies, work programs. <br /> In the previous submission of the Workable Program for Communtiy Improvement <br /> it was noted that a study of the Advisory Committee was undertak6n. During <br /> the major portion of 1967 this study became the dominant factor. This study <br /> culminated in March of 1968 with the complete restructuring and reori6nta- <br /> tion of the Citizens Advisory Committee, and an organization meeting was held <br /> on March 19, 1968 . <br /> Accomplishments of the Committee before and after reorganization include: <br /> 1. Requested Mayor have a housing needs study conducted for South Bend. <br /> 2. Reviewed the Housing Study prepared by Notre Dame's Sociology Depart- <br /> ment. <br /> 3. Divided portions of the housing study for three subcommittee's to <br /> analyse in referenct to developing advice to the Mayor on South Bend's <br /> approach to building maintenance especially as to maintaining liva- <br /> ble housing units and demolishing unfit structures . <br /> CONTINUED <br /> 23 <br /> °. <br />