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i <br /> f <br /> 2. Estimate of Relocation Housing Needs and Resources' <br /> HOUSING ESTIMATED TO BE AVAILABLE <br /> ESTIMATED DISPLACEMENT TO DISPLACED FAMILIES' <br /> NUMBER OF <br /> INCOME FAMILIES RIVATE PUBLIC <br /> GROUPS DISPLACED RENTAL SALES DEFICIT <br /> WHITE <br /> NON. NON. WHITE NON. WHITE NON. WHITE NON <br /> WHITE - <br /> WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE <br /> LOW ( Under $4,200 1 21 48 63 50 64 41 313 <br /> MIDDLE ( $4,200 - $7,000 46 57 50 21 119 96 75 <br /> HIGH ( Over $7,000 6 12 35 20 90 50 - - <br /> TOTAL 73 117 148 91 273 187 0 388 <br /> I The racial breakdown may be eliminated for any community in which it is a substantiated fact that all housing <br /> resources, public and private, are fully available to all families without regard to race. <br /> 2 Insert within the parentheses the income ranges as defined by the locality for each of these groups. <br /> 3 Include only standard housing which displaced families may reasonably be expected to obtain in competition with <br /> other families and at rents and sales prices within their means, as determined by income-to-rent or income-to-sales <br /> price ratios applicable in the community. Include also public housing under State- and locally-aided programs. <br /> 3. Ability to Pay Standards <br /> State all rent-income and price-income ratios used to compute C2 above. <br /> Price - Income ratio used 2.5 to 1. <br /> Rent - Income ratio used 25% of income for gross rent io`private rental. <br /> Rent - Income ratio used 20% to 25% of income for gross rent in public <br /> housing. <br /> 4. Relocation Housing Resources <br /> What are the main sources of the housing which the community expects to be available to meet <br /> relocation needs, as estimated in C2 above, i.e., whether through vacancies and turnover in exist- <br /> ing supply, new construction, rehabilitation of existing supply, etc? Indicate approximate pro- <br /> portions of each source. <br /> In sales housing, existing vacancies will account for practically all the <br /> standard units available to both white and non-white families. For mid- <br /> dle income families the ratio will be about 70% existing and 30% new con- <br /> struction. <br /> In private rental housing, vacancies in existing units will account for <br /> all the low income and 90% of middle income units. <br /> In public housing, new construction will account for 9096, turnover in <br /> existing units 10% of the vacancies . <br /> * <br /> Since .-there has been no material change in local market conditions, these <br /> figures closely resemble the previous year's submittal. <br /> 21 <br /> i <br />