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ABSTRACT <br />PROJECT PROMOTE <br />For South Bend, as well as for most American cities, deterioration of central <br />city neighborhoods remains a serious problem. It is the objective of Project <br />Promote to initiate a two component program to stimulate neighborhood reinvestment <br />and thus alleviate the problem of inner -city deterioration. The first component <br />will be a study designed to build an information base concerning reinvestment/ <br />disinvestment trends in identified neighborhoods. The second component will be <br />the development of a positive program to promote and "market" central city neighbor- <br />hoods on the parts of both municipal officials and organized neighborhood groups. <br />South Bend has thirty -four clearly defined organic neighborhoods. The <br />experience of the city is that direct government intervention in neighborhood <br />revitalization efforts via housing rehabilitation and related programs has not <br />proven to be totally effective. It is apparent then,that effort to deal with <br />neighborhood social and economic dynamics is necessary. <br />Thus, Project Promote is designed to encourage viable neighborhood based <br />groups and organizations to work positively toward obtaining high levels of neigh- <br />borhood reinvestment. With this program the City also expects to come to grips <br />with the problem of residential dislocation that results from neighborhood <br />transition. <br />While the final outcome of this project is to provide information, training, <br />and technical assistance to neighborhood based groups and organizations, the <br />program can only be successful if accurate and candid profiles of the neighborhoods <br />in question exist. These profiles must necessarily include an assessment of <br />governmental programs. It is imperative to know which past and present programs <br />and policies have worked and which have not. Consequently, one goal of this <br />