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The South &`nJ Yovih hrrvic, Corwu/ !on Vu, in n|rroii"n sincc April nf <br />1972. During this Koe the Bur'ou his ,,^l:,J fr." a r,[er/nl K,rvic, to o <br />direct delivery of services provider. W:i1 v mnkiny rcfcrrnls one re appropriaLu, <br />the bulk of activity is in direct service '|c|ivcry. Outlined below is o des- <br />cription of the various components of the Youth Service Bureau. <br />INTERN PROGRAM - This program involves participation by students from the <br />area and state univursities and from Penn State University. The iotcrn p rag rom <br />serves a two-told purpose. It provides a potential social worker with an oppor- <br />tunity to receive some first-hand experience to help make career 6ecisinns. The <br />second is to provido the Ynuth Service Bureau with increased staff to serve the <br />ever-incroasinn caseload. <br />SCHOOL SERVICE CCORD|N8TOR PROGRAM - This program was .officially begun in <br />1973 for the ourpnse of early prevention and diversion of juvenile delinquency. <br />We have at least one staff persnn in each of ton area c|cmcntnry school's. The <br />reason we have sited Lhc elementary school as on area of cnnccntraLinn is that <br />the earlier we can idrntiFy and service the potential juxcnilc offender the more <br />effective we can be in curbing delinquency. <br />OUTREACH - The main thrust, and that aspect that sets the Youth Service <br />Bureau --^—pa--r-t - from other social work agencies, is the o rcach prog r am. The <br />Youth Service Bureau has found that there are many people who For a variety of <br />reasons refuse sarvicrs that traditional social service ogencics proviJu. It <br />is these people that thcYouLh Service Bureau serves. <br />After rcccivin9 a referral from the police ni probation dcparLmcnt, other <br />agencies, the school, o friend or n self-referral the oxtrcoch worker ':n|'cs n <br />initial hmnc visit. Thu information gathered during this visit is presented at <br />a case staffing and a treatment plan is developed. If necessary, a rcf,rra| is <br />made to a more appropriate agency. IF the Youth ,Service Bureau Lcc|,s the case <br />the client will be visited on a weekly basis for individual and [anii; counbclin5. <br />The client may also 6ccno'c involved in some of the othzr programs offered by the <br />Youth Service Bureau. The nvcragu lcnqd` of time a casc i' in nurvice is 2 months. <br />RUNAWAY SHELTER - A tr"pnrory, 24-hour residential hc"c for runs/n/s in run <br />by the Youth Sc,vicc Surcau. Too goal of the shelter is to prnvidu i��'.,dincc <br />residential cnrc for the runaway with major emphasis on we youth rcLurninn <br />or being placed in an ^cccptn!/lr Setting clsc,herc. While at the shclLcr o <br />client rcccivrs individual, group, and family counseling. A[icrcaru is |/roviJ,'! <br />when the client leaves. <br />YOUTH <br />EMPLOYMENT <br />PROGRAM <br />The <br />Youth Srrvicc Jurcnu \ork Experience yr,nr^c <br />is de <br />-- <br />rk«ol <br />people bor,ccn the ages of |G and 21 with <br />jobs. The <br />client /.om <br />|ivc <br />within <br />the city limits and occt crrcain cc`.nu,ic <br />eligibility <br />guidelines <br />to <br />quoli[y For <br />the program. <br />Work Ex7uricncc is dcsigncU as a short term program, 1 a L inq thr,c to »i�, <br />months, for each client. During this perio6, thc client works at a labignatcci <br />worksite and is paid L|`rooqh C.E.T.8. Funds. <br />The noio oi`jrcLivcs of Lhr pn,9ron are: l) to fo7i|iarizo /|`c client with <br />the work world. 2) Ln Leach the client to be ro/ron»i!.lc and reliable. <br />