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Authorizing the Mayor to submit grant applications to the Indiana Committee for the Humanities for the Youth Service Bureau of the City of South Bend, Indiana
Common Council
Resolutions/Special Resolutions
Authorizing the Mayor to submit grant applications to the Indiana Committee for the Humanities for the Youth Service Bureau of the City of South Bend, Indiana
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ICH Pro iect Prospectus Furm <br />1. Name, address & phone of sponsoring group <br />Youth Services Bureau <br />121 S. Michigan.St. <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />219 - 284 -9231 <br />2. Name, address & phone of project director <br />Patrick J. Fleming <br />Youth Services Bureau <br />121 S. Michigan St. <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />219 -284 -9231 <br />3. Project title: "The We Nobody Knows ''-- Neighborhood- Ethnic Awareness <br />4. Briefly describe the proposed project. Include your objectives and means of reaching <br />them. Estimate the number of public sessions involved. <br />This project will complement the activities of the Summer Fun Program, a five year old <br />program of the Youth Services Bureau, which provided diverse activities to over 250 <br />young people, age S to 16, each day during the summer of 1978 at six neighborhood sites. <br />The goals of the Summer Fun Program are consistent with the overall goals of the Y.S.B., <br />namely, to prevent delinquency through the creation of environments which promote posi- <br />tive self- awareness experiences and social skill building. <br />Through a humanities project, the Y.S.B. will attempt to foster a sense of neighbor- <br />hood and ethnic awareness in the young participants of Summer Fun '79. An eight week <br />program of activities addressing pertinent neighborhood /ethnic concerns, inc. changing <br />neighborhoods, communication between young and old residents, and youthful contributions <br />to the oral and written histories of the neighborhood, will be conducted by three <br />project facilitators, schooled in one or more humanities disciplines and experienced <br />in various forms of youth programming. Activities will include oral and written inter- <br />views of a cross section of neighborhood residents who will be invited to participate <br />in a series of community forums, poetry, short -story and essay composition on neigh- <br />borhood /ethnic themes and dramatic experiences bringing to life neighborhood concerns. <br />In addition, with the assistance of the Institute of Urban Studies at the University <br />of Notre Dame and its director, Dr. Thomas Broden, neighborhood memorabilia, including <br />photographs, written material, handicrafts and music representing different periods <br />and cultures of neighborhood life, will be collected, catalogued and offered for pre- <br />sentation at the 1980 Ethnic Festival in South Bend. <br />Logistically, each facilitator will be assigned to two neighborhood parks and will <br />conduct a three hour activity program four times weekly at each site. To stimulate <br />involvement with various humanities' disciplines, the facilitators will develop <br />various activities, inc. guided neighborhood tours, ethnic- neighborhood games, and <br />movement interpretation of ethnic music, On the fifth day of each week, the methods <br />and projects developed by the facilitators will be shared with other community agen- <br />cies involved in summer youth programming, inc. the South Bend Recreation Department. <br />Each facilitator will be involved with the project for two weeks prior to Summer Fun <br />to meet with the planning committee of humanists to discuss the project and develop <br />materials and for two weeks after Summer Fun to compile information and produce a <br />representative cross section of the young participants' labors. <br />
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