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30 - <br />REGULAR MEETING JULY 30, 1984 <br />barricades and the Petitioner will be responsible for the <br />placement and removal of the barricades on the date of the <br />event. Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by <br />Mr. Hill and carried, the above request was approved. <br />APPROVE REQUEST TO CONDUCT BLOCK PARTY -.1300 BLOCK <br />OF EAST SOUTH STREET (AUGUST 5, 1984) <br />In a letter to the Board, Mrs. Sandra L. Hanis, 1401 East South <br />Street, South Bend, Indiana, requested permission to conduct an <br />annual neighborhood block party on East South Street. She <br />stated that the residents would like to block the street from <br />the alley at 1300 East South Street to the island where Longfellow <br />meets South Street on Saturday, August 4, 1984 with a raindate of <br />Sunday, August 5, 1984 from 4:00 p.m. to midnight. Mr. <br />Leszczynski advised that Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager, Bureau <br />of Traffic and Lighting, has reviewed this.request and recommends <br />approval subject to the maintenance of a ten (10) foot clear and <br />unobstructed lane for emergency purposes. It was noted that the <br />Bureau of Traffic and Lighting will deliver the necessary barricades <br />and "Street Closed Ahead" sign and the Petitioner will be res- <br />ponsible for the placement and removal of the barricades and <br />sign on the date of the event. Mr. Wadzinski further recommended <br />that the lane between South Street and Longfellow around the <br />island remain open for traffic. Upon a motion made by Mr. <br />Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the above recom- <br />mendation was accepted and the request approved. <br />APPROVE REQUEST TO CONDUCT STREET SERVICES - DORA LOTTIE <br />In a letter to the B:`oard, Ms. Dora Lottie, 2024 Pershing, South <br />Bend, Indiana, requested permission to conduct Street Services <br />the first two weeks in August. She advised that the services <br />will be held in the vicinity of College Street and Linden Avenue <br />on the corner and other co-workers of the Church will be assist- <br />ing her in the services from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mr. Leszczynski <br />advised that this is an annual request and that it has been reviewed <br />by Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager, Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, <br />and recommends approval subject to Ms. Lottie leaving a portion of <br />the sidewalk open to pedestrian movement. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the above <br />request was approved. <br />APPROVE REQUEST OF OUR LADY OF HUNGARY SCHOOL TO CLOSE <br />CHAPIN & BRUCE STREETS FOR PARISH FUN FAIR - AUGUST 18, 1984 <br />Mr. Leszczynski advised that Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager, <br />Bureau of Traffic and Lighting, has reviewed the request of <br />the Our Lady of Hungary School to close Chapin Street between <br />Calvert and Bruce and Bruce Street between Chapin and Catalpa <br />on August 18, 1984, said original request submitted to the <br />Board on July 23, 1984 and recommends approval. Approval is <br />subject to the maintenance of a ten (10) foot clear and un- <br />obstructed lane for emergency purposes. It was noted that <br />the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting will deliver the necessary <br />barricades with the Petitioner responsible for the placement <br />and removal of the barricades for this event. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the above recommendation was accepted and the request approved. <br />APPROVE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Leszczynski, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />carried, the following one (1) traffic control device was approved: <br />INSTALL STOP SIGN - On Meade at Prairie (uncontrolled <br />"T" intersection). <br />