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93 <br />REGULAR MEETING MARCH 12, 1990 <br />2. Farmington Commons <br />Sewer/Water <br />3. Lots 85-87 Carriage Hills Subdivision <br />Sewer <br />4. Irongate Estates - Section Three <br />Sewer/Water <br />5. Fairfax Estates - Section 3 <br />Sewer/Water/Street <br />6. Georgetown North - Phase Two <br />Sewer/Water <br />Upon a motion made by Ms. Humphreys, seconded by Mrs. DeClercq <br />and carried, the above referred to Title Sheets were approved and <br />signed. <br />APPROVE TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICE <br />Upon a motion made by Mrs. DeClercq, seconded by Ms. Humphreys <br />and carried, the following one (1) traffic control device was <br />approved: <br />1. NEW INSTALLATION: No Parking <br />LOCATION: In front of 2118 South Franklin <br />Carothers Printing Company <br />REMARKS: Safety for customers leaving and <br />entering their parking lot <br />FILING OF HUMANE SOCIETY MONTHLY REPORT - FEBRUARY <br />The Humane Society report for the month of February indicating <br />the types and number of animals handled for the City of South <br />Bend was submitted to the Board for filing. Mrs. DeClercq made a <br />motion that the report as submitted be filed. Ms. Humphreys <br />seconded the motion which carried. <br />FILING OF ENVIRONMENTAL CLEAN-UP OF LOTS REPORT <br />A report from the Department of Code Enforcement indicating a <br />total of fifty-four (54) properties cleaned from February 26, <br />1990 to March 1, 1990 was submitted. Upon a motion made by Mrs. <br />DeClercq, seconded by Ms. Humphreys and carried, the report as <br />submitted was filed. <br />APPROVE CLAIMS <br />Chief Deputy Controller John D. Leisenring submitted Claim Docket <br />No. 5578 through Claim Docket No. 5846 and recommended approval. <br />Additionally, Voucher Nos. 193-243 for the Bureau of Wastewater, <br />Voucher Nos. 149-179 for the Bureau of Sewers and Voucher No. 13 <br />for the Bureau of Solid Waste were submitted for approval. Upon <br />a motion made by Ms. Humphreys, seconded by Mrs. DeClercq and <br />carried, the claims and vouchers were approved and the reports as <br />submitted were filed. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR: <br />CONCERNS AND REQUEST FOR PLACEMENT OF ADDITIONAL POSTED SPEED <br />LIMIT SIGNS AND ARROWS - RIVERSIDE DRIVE <br />Mr. Joseph Klebosits, 1905 Riverside Drive, South Bend, Indiana <br />(234-1260) was present and addressed the Board. Mr. Klebosits <br />requested that the Board look into the placement of two (2) <br />additional 15 MPH Speed Limit signs and arrows on Riverside <br />Drive. <br />