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The Orbis Envirnmental Study, which is a year -long study, has been on site a few times at Elbel. <br />There was a night sky study, so we are making progress on the environmental aspects. <br />Councilmember White asked that as they begin to roll out the results of the consultants and the <br />survey, could we have information prior to that so we are in a position to respond once we start <br />getting calls. <br />Committee Chair Kelly added that Mr. Perri would visit at least monthly to report on Elbel. <br />Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand asked if the reports would be added to the Elbel <br />Dropbox, and Committeemember Broden added that it probably isn't necessary. They decided <br />that the other departments and parks have their own pages, so they can make it available through <br />their own sites. <br />Committeemember Broden asked Mr. Perri to address the distribution of the community survey. <br />Mr. Perri stated that the survey is live for three (3) weeks. It was sent to the entire golf database <br />as well as the entire Parks and Recreation newsletter database, and other groups like ` Elbel for <br />Everyone' shared it as well. We also pushed it out to other golf courses to get a feel for what <br />they think of the City courses. It will give us a feel for who is using our courses and who isn't. <br />no other business before the committee, Committee Chair Randy Kelly adjourned the <br />nit 4:49. <br />A - <br />Randy Kelly, Chairperson <br />M <br />