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Mr. Perri stated that in the future, he wants to continue to improve and expand the impact of the <br />programs. It's not just how we make the East Race a better experience for people; a lot of details <br />go into each program. We are also going to be conducting experiential auditing of our programs <br />this summer, for example we'll take someone from maintenance and someone from the golf <br />course to see how easy it is to register for camps. <br />We are working to increase public - private partnerships. For example, we are looking to leverage <br />about $20 million in private investment along the Riverwalk. So far we've put in about $2.9 <br />million in grant money into what is called the Blue Ways Trail. We currently have an RFQ out <br />to further design the area between Howard Park and the Farmer's Market. The Regional Cities <br />money will be leveraged for that project. <br />We have a few really small parks that people haven't heard of. Some of them have a lot of <br />opportunity for us to recreate them. We find ourselves in a position where we have a few <br />resources. We have some dedicated funding for the ice skating rink, we have a partnership at <br />Howard Park with the Pokagon Band of the Potawatomi's, we have the Regional Cities grant <br />money, and Notre Dame installing the hydroelectric turbine at Seitz Park. <br />All of the capital projects are in the packet on file with the Office of the City Clerk. <br />Councilmember White asked if there is a sense of when the expansion of the Charles Black <br />Center would take place. Mr. Perri stated that they are waiting on the findings of the EPA <br />investigation. We've been meeting with the users of the Charles Black Center to assure them <br />that the funds set aside for Charles Black would still be there for the project. <br />The plans for the Charles Black Center are almost finalized, but the timing of the project will <br />depend on the EPA's investigation. <br />Committee Chair Kelly thanked Mr. Perri for coming, and asked for an update on Elbel. <br />Mr. Perri stated that about a month ago, the USGA Agronomy Team was in town to look at Elbel <br />and Erskine Parks. They have a draft conclusion report that they are putting the final touches on <br />right now. We've found out that our golf courses are in pretty good shape. They are cross <br />referencing their findings with the environmental experts. We'll have those recommendations <br />posted once they are finalized. We just kicked off the South Bend community golf study to look <br />at how to make our operations identify a business model that's sustainable for golf. <br />Consultants from Keegan and Associates were in town from Colorado for a kick off. The <br />consultant used it as an opportunity to show that we were not even functioning at the top of the <br />bottom quartile of golf courses in the country in terms of our financial performance. <br />We've had about 400 people already take a community survey, which is a pretty impressive <br />response rate. We sent that out to as many contacts as we could. We just wanted to know how <br />often they golf, their evaluation of each course, and the types of ideas they may have for <br />sustainable business models. <br />3 <br />